Why am I Like This?

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"yaa! Jung Hyesu! You should tell me what happened to you and Jimin oppa?" Chanmi crossed her arms.

Hyesu flustered "there is nothing important to tell you" she zipped her bag.

"really?" Chanmi didn't buy Hyesu statement.

"y-yeah" Hyesu walked away to avoid Chanmi question.

"yaa!! Jung Hyesu! What happened to you that night with Jimin oppa?!" Chanmi trailed of Hyesu out from the class.

"ssssttt! Keep your mouth off before someone misunderstand this" Hyesu covered Chanmi mouth with her hand.

After they left the classes, they didn't realize if Minhye eavesdropping on their conversation.

"this girl really something!" Minhye chuckled cynically.


"Hey Jihoon, let's watch a movie after last class" Minhye persuaded Jihoon dearly.

"Sorry, umm I must go home early" Jihoon tried to escape from Minhye.

"but..." Jihoon interrupted Minhye "sorry, bye Minhye" Jihoon walked away.

"Jihoon! yaa Park Jihoon!!!" Minhye screamed. "isssh! why you always avoiding me!" Minhye grumbled.

While Minhye left from her place, Jihoon has arrived in front of dance club room.

when he entered, he slightly shocked seeing Hyesu was sat in the corner of the room there too. "Hyesu? what are you doing here?"

"me?" she surprised. "just avoiding someone or rather avoiding a stupid question" she continued.

Jihoon chuckled "it's funny right?" he approached Hyesu then sitting near Hyesu. "...because we have the same reason here"

"Woah! really?" Hyesu chuckled disbelief.

"so, who do you avoid?" Jihoon asked.

"Chanmi" Hyesu answered.

"why? she's your best friend, right?" Jihoon curious.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be like this to her. But her 'weird' question really bothers me" Hyesu sighed. "how about you?" she asked back.

"me?" he chuckled. "you sure know who else I'm avoiding" he smiled to Hyesu.

"Minhye?" Hyesu guessed.

"Wow, you even know her name now" Jihoon chuckled.

"it wasn't intentional" she smiled bitterly.

"so, because we've been here, let's practice some movement for our dance collaboration" Jihoon stood up and stretch out his hand to Hyesu. Hyesu then nodded and reached Jihoon's hand.


"one... two... one... two... then turn, like this" Jihoon taught Hyesu to dance patiently.

"one... tw- argh" Hyesu failed again.

"it's okay, just do it slowly" Jihoon said.

But Hyesu then sat "I don't know Jihoon, I feel so stupid!" Hyesu uttered. "I used to dance really free before, why now so hard? I can't even believe I like a fool who never try to dance throughout her life"

Jihoon sat next to Hyesu "You know Hyesu, maybe someone who sees you now without knowing what causing you to be like this will can't believe an incident like that could cause a trauma and causing you to be like this"

"Yeah, some of them can say really easy to just move on with that incident. But they never know, all people have a different power to get rid of something like that" Hyesu said.

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