waiting for her

397 23 1

(Jimin P.O.V)

As we waited Hyesu to be treated by the doctor, we just sat at the outside of the room nervously.

I noticed that Taehyung a bit shivering because of his wet shirt. "Tae, you can go home with Chanmi"


"it's okay, look at yourself! You must be feeling very cold, right?"

Chanmi looked at his brother with worry "op...pa..."

Taehyung smiled weakly "it's okay, I know you worried so much about Hyesu. So, if you still wanna wait here, I'll accompany you"

"I'm worried about Hyesu, and of course about you too. I don't wanna you sick because of this" Chanmi uttered sadly.

"this... take my car, so you can get home soon and take a rest right away" I handed him my car's key since we three used my car to go here.

"so, how about you? it's okay, Jimin. I'll use my car when Jungkook arrived here"

"how long? Do you know? he still drives Jihoon home now" I said. "no more talking, just go home now with my car.  Besides, I won't go anywhere, I'll stay here until Hyesu is getting better" I gripped his shoulder to assure him that I'm serious about it.

"thanks, Jimin! please contact me if there're further information okay? I'll visit here again tomorrow" and I just nodded.


"it's okay" the doctor smiled to give us strength. "she's just fainted. Luckily, she didn't get hypothermia, fainted in the pouring rain as it was with these injuries. Now we have given him medicine by IV. Hope tomorrow she can greet you all" he tapped my shoulder.

"Thank you" Jungkook and I bowed our head then the doctor left us.

"have you called her mom?"

"yes, I have called her mom when Taehyung and Chanmi still here" I answered. "go home now" I forced my smile to Jungkook.

"and you?"

"I can't leave her now, I need to see her wake up with my own eyes" I assured him.

"is it okay you're alone here? You look so tired too" Jungkook looked concern.

'I mentally tired because all of the chaos today, but my worries to Hyesu distracted my fatigue' I thought.

"Jimin?" Jungkook waved in front of my face.

I chuckled "just go now. I'm ABSOLUTELY fine" I smiled.

"I never win with you if talking about Hyesu" he chuckled "I gave up" he raised his hands and I playfully punch his arm.

After Jungkook left, I tried to get into inpatient room where Hyesu at.

I'm sitting on a chair beside her bed and gripped her hand gently. My heart was broken when I saw her bruises. I can't believe someone did this to her.

I hate myself so much for not being there when she needed me so much. My mind is really messed up now! I'm angry, sad, hate, all become one.

I started caressing her forehead who covered with a bandage, then caressing her right cheek until suddenly I heard cracking sound from the door.

It's Hyesu mom and dad "my baby..." her mom looked in panic as approaching Hyesu.

"aunty..." I stroked her back gently to calm her down and she hugged me, crying. "don't worry aunty, she's okay now. I'll try to find who did this to her. I promise!" I said while she pulled me away gently.

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