Who is she?

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(Hyesu P.O.V)

"let's eat sashimi" Chanmi whined to his brother.

"I told you, I'll watch some movie with them today" Taehyung pointed Jungkook and the other.

"so, you let me go home alone?" she pouted.

"you usually go home by yourself with Hyesu, why now? Just say that you want me to buy a sashimi for you, right? Isshh!" Taehyung oppa crossed his hand while raised his left eyebrow.

"oppa, why you so so so so stingy! Hmph"

"hey... hey... let me cook it for you" Mr. Seokjin tried to mediate their quarrel.

"really?" Chanmi eyes sparkled while Jungkook oppa just chuckling adoring the cute reaction of Chanmi.

"why you laugh Jeon Jungkook?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"mmm... nothing" he smiled to Chanmi, and Chanmi face suddenly blushed.

"let's go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients! And Hyesu, you must join us! Okay?" he said.

"mmm-" while I was processing what I want to say, Chanmi just cut me off.

"she must be a great help for you, Jin oppa. She's really good at cooking like you" Chanmi nudged my arm.

"perfect! Let you be my assistant for today cooking section" Mr. Seokjin uttered.

"can I go home first? I'm sleepy" Mr. Min yawning.

"so you won't join us to eat and watch the movie?" Namjoon asked.

"I will! just wake me up when the food is ready, bye~" Mr. Min left us.

"isssh! That kid!" Mr.Seokjin mumbled.


"do we need olive oil?" Jungkook oppa slightly yelled to Mr. Seokjin in another rack.

"of course! Let me know if you're done searching, Jungkook" Mr. Seokjin answered. "that kid, he must be nervous with Chanmi around him. He absolutely now about sashimi ingredients" Mr. Seokjin mumbled.

"really?" I curious.

"yes, he always helps me to cook everything, so he knows well the ingredients," he said.

"they look really cute" I giggled. "btw, I can't believe, I will do cooking with my lecturer" I smiled.

"me too, but I guarantee you that'll be fun" he laughed. "and... relax, just see me as your brother, okay? don't too formal with me" he ruffled my hair gently.

While we busy looking for the ingredient, my eyes stopped gazing someone not really far, across our rack where we at.

"Jimin oppa?" I mumbled.

"Mmm? Jimin? Where?" Jin oppa interrupted. I thought he heard enough I was mumbling since he was near me.

I pointed at his place "there, is that him?"

He narrowed his eyes "o! you right! It's him! But... huh? is that Songi?"

"Songi? Who is she?" I confused.

"she's Jimin's childhood friend in L.A"

I just nodded understand "you know her?"

"of course, all of us know her, because when Jimin moved with us, she is accompanying him and we have a great couple day, lunched, playing, and chatting with her before she came back to L.A again"

"but she looks like Korean"

"of course, her mom is Korean, but not with her dad"

"ah, I see"

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