Getting Closer

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"why we must have a morning class to teach" Yoongi yawned.

"I almost canceled my morning class if I don't remember that today I have to give them a test." Jin walked lazily.

"not just student who really hate a morning class" Jungkook rubbed his eyes.

"I slipped while entering the bathroom because I was still too sleepy" Namjoon slightly limped.

"not surprised" Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook said union while looking at Namjoon.

"Heyyyy!!" suddenly Taehyung came and slapped the boys shoulders.

"YAAA!!" they said union at Taehyung.

Taehyung just laughed "you all sound like a choir"

"Morning" Chanmi greeted and they all greeted back.

"one...two...three...four..." Taehyung counted them. "wait...Jimin! Where's he?" Taehyung realized Jimin wasn't there.

"what? Jimin?" Jungkook looking around.

"yaa!! did we leave him?" Jin looked shocked.

"we just hurried before, so we didn't even realize it" Namjoon uttered.

"no, we didn't leave him! I checked his room first before heading to campus, and the room has already empty" Yoongi uttered.

"so where's h-" suddenly Jungkook cut Jin off "look!" Jungkook pointed to the campus corridor. "are those Jimin and Hyesu?"

Namjoon fixed his glasses "yeah! It's him with Hyesu"

"why they're coming together?" Jin uttered then they all looked at each other suspecting Hyesu and Jimin.


"guys! Look! I have some new action movie" Jungkook rushed into the living room where the others were watching TV.

"wow good!! We're bored because there's no interesting tv shows" Namjoon said.

"go!! Go!!" Jin uttered.

"but wait, it's not complete without snack and soft-drink" Yoongi complained.

"ah, you right! Maybe we can order to Jimin. He must be on the way home" Jin suggested.

"brilliant!!" they uttered union.


"Yaaa !! Why too long to open the door? " Jimin throw so many heavy shopping bags on the floor. "why you ordered all of this?"

"movie time" they said union while smiling so bright to Jimin.

"Unbelievable!! you know what? If you always make me buy all of this everytime we will watch a movie, I won't grow taller than Jungkook"

"let it be" Jungkook teased while took the shopping bags.

"isssh!!! This kid" Jimin kicked Jungkook butt and Jungkook just giggled.

"come here let's watching this with us" Namjoon said.

"I'll just go to sleep, bye" Jimin heading to his room.

"really? it's not usually you refuse this" Yoongi furrowed.

"I just really tired guys" Jimin acted to look tired.

"tired for what huh?" Jungkook said sarcastically while munching the chips.

"just look at that H-E-A-V-Y shopping bags and chips you eat now baby boy!!" Jimin defended and the other just laughed seeing they both quarreling.

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