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"ah! So you're there my beautiful girl"

His steps getting closer and closer until "YAAA!! DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!!!" Jimin oppa yelled. Then, I just heard someone hitting each other. "Hyesu where are you?" 

I get out from the small wardrobe and running to Jimin oppa. "go to the front office now to report him"

"b-but... y-you?" I hesitated to leave because he got beaten too.

"don't you dare to report me!" the man yelled.

I really don't know how to do, I can't leave him now. I'm so worried, but then Jimin oppa yell "GO! QUICKLY!"

this time, I nodded and running as fast as I can to the front desk office.

(3rd person P.O.V)

After the man finally arrested, Jimin decided to make Hyesu sleep in his room. "it's for your safety, you must sleep here. I'll make sure won't doing anything. I promise" he assured.

"y-yes, I believe you" Hyesu nodded as Jimin started to enter the room with a limp.

"let me treat your wound" Hyesu grabbed Jimin hand that made Jimin stopped his steps.

After asking the front office staff to bring a medicine kit, they both sat on the sofa. While Hyesu cleaning Jimin wounds with an alcohol, Jimin just could wince "ouch" he exclaimed. Then she's applying a medicine to Jimin's wounds.

During Hyesu treating Jimin wound, he kept staring at Hyesu until they eyes suddenly met. They looked awkward then, "umm... i-it was done" Hyesu stuttered.

"y-yeah... t-thank you" Jimin thanked.  "you can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on this sofa, okay?"

"no, I won't let you sleep there. You just got beaten, If you sleep there, your body will get very stiff. So I'll sleep there" Hyesu refused.

"no, what kind of man who let women sleep on the sofa, while he sleeps on the cozy bed?! You sleep on the bed!" Jimin insisted.

"no, I won't" Hyesu crossed her arms.

"yes, you have to!"




"Okay, fine we both sleep on the bed, how?" Jimin smirked.

"fine" Hyesu answered emphatically.

His smirk faded away, changed into a shocking look. 'what? I didn't expect that answer. H-how can I manage my heart if we sleep on the one bed?!' Jimin thought. "o-o-okay" Jimin stuttered.

They ended up sleeping on one bed, but their position back to back each other.

"umm, Jimin oppa? Did you already sleep?" Hyesu asked him, but there's no answer. Then she turned up her position facing Jimin back. "ah, you surely already sleep" Hyesu mumbled.

Then, she tugged a blanket to cover Jimin body "thank you Jimin oppa" she mumbled while patted lightly Jimin arm, then she started to lie down again and sleep while Jimin who pretended to sleep can't manage his heart beat.

'Keep calm oh my heart! Did I fall in love with her? Why this heart beating so fast?' Jimin thought.


"I'm home" Jimin greeted when arrived in his apartment.

"JIMIIIIIIIIIIIN" Taehyung running to hug Jimin.

Jimin pushed Taehyung "ouch!! Why you here?"

"I'm so worried about you!" he said acting so clingy toward Jimin. "Ya, ya, ya! Park Jimin, what happen with you? Why so many bruises?" Taehyung scanning Jimin.

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