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"Excuse me, Mr. Park" I entered the dance room.

"umm? Hyesu?" he looked a bit surprised. "come in" then I entered the room.

He patted the chair next to him then I sat on the chair next to him.

"umm where's the other tutor?" I asked as my gaze looked around.

"Taehyung and Jungkook are teaching now and I'm here because my class just ended a few minutes ago" he explained.

"I see" I nodded understand.

"so, what's bring you here?" he asked.

"umm my mom told me, you visited our house to meet me yesterday" I paused.

"yeah, but until the last minute I waited for you, you never back" he smiled.

"I'm sorry! Really sorry! if mom told me that you were waiting for me, I will rush out to the home immediately" I felt guilty.

"I made your mom to not telling you that I was there. I didn't wanna ruin your date with that kid" he sounds jealous.

"umm? Sorry, but it's not a date, Mr. Park. Why you thought like that?" I furrowed.

"really? but it looked like a date to me. do you like him? Yeah, I know he's a popular student on campus so I'm not surprised if you like him t--" I cut him off because I'm so done with what he judged at me.

"I told you it wasn't a date" I stood up and he looked surprised as heard me sounds mad. "and for your information, he treats me a dinner that day because I saved him from someone before. Not because I want a date with him" I bowed to him then left the practice room with anger.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

"Park stupid Jimin!! You're so idiot! Why you let your jealous out without let her explain everything! Why am I like this!!" Jimin groaned mad at himself.


After the last class, suddenly someone dragged Hyesu to the park of the campus.

"hey bit*h still remember me?" the girl asked.

Hyesu scarily nodded at these three girls who stalking Jihoon.

"Thank you for lying to us" one of them nudged Hyesu shoulder harshly.

'Crap! They know I was lying that day' Hyesu thought.

"Minhye, let's give her a lesson because she had lied at us" one of them said.

"yeah! Uwh don't be looking like a scared puppy bit*h" Minhye raised Hyesu's chin then push her until she falls to the ground.

"why you so brave to lie to me then went a dinner date with my beloved boy, Jihoon huh?"

"I-I didn't date. We... we just ate dinner just it" Hyesu stuttered, scared of them.

"good excuse little puppy" he grabbed Hyesu's hair.

'God, please help me' Hyesu thought.

Suddenly someone appeared. "nice! It'll be great if I send this video to the rector" Jimin showed his phone.

"M-Mr. Park... we... we..."

"get lost from my sight! And if I know you all do this again to Hyesu, I'm sure will report you all" Jimin said with his angry face.

It's not usual Jimin this angry at something. Students there always like Jimin, because he's a kind and friendly lecturer. He never shows his anger to the students, but not for today.

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