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(Jimin P.O.V)

"why you look like you lost something, huh?" Jungkook nudged me.

"did you see Hyesu? He sat there before" I pointed where she was sitting before.

Jungkook just chuckled "ah I see" Jungkook teased Jimin

"Yaa Jeon Jungkook! Don't laugh!" I smacked his arm.

still chuckling, he says "don't worry, she just went to the toilet"


When I go out from the practice room, I saw Hyesu and Jihoon was laughing while talking. I don't know why I slightly jealous to see her laughing with Jihoon.

"eherm" I faked my cough. "sorry to interrupt" I added, and it made them looked surprised and stood up immediately from where they sat.

"M-Mr. P-Park" Hyesu stuttered.

"You both must back to the practice room now because it's almost the time to end the practice for today" I tried to hide my jealous from them.

"sorry," they said union.

"it's okay"

Then they started to walk, but right at the time Jihoon just entered the room, I grabbed Hyesu hand before she enters the room.

"yes sir?" she looked confused.

"umm... nothing" I released my grip on her wrist as she just furrowed confuse.

Then she entered the room while I still standing outside right in front of the door.

"sh*t! what happen to you Park Jimin?!" I cursed myself.

(3rd Person P.O.V)

"before go home, wanna have a meal first, together?" Jihoon offered to Hyesu.

"umm........" Hyesu still thinking.

"c'mon, This's for my gratitude to you because you save me earlier" Jihoon pleaded.

"Okay, actually I'm hungry too. Let me call my mom first to tell her I'll late to home" Hyesu uttered.

"yay! Sure" Jihoon looked so happy.

After Hyesu told her mom, then she told Chanmi about it.


"Taehyung, where's your sister?" Jimin asked Taehyung.

"are you looking for my sister or Hyesu?" he teased while wiggling his eyebrows.

Jimin just sighed "fine! I'm looking for Hyesu"

"this shorty always looking for her lately" Jungkook teased while chuckling.

"shut off Jeon bunny kook!" Jimin kicked Jungkook jokingly.

"Yeah, it's so obvious" Taehyung chuckled along with Jungkook.

"yaa!! can you both stop to tease me and tell me where is she now?!" Jimin whined.

"alright! for my sister, she asked permission to me because she'll go to the mall with her classmate"

"with Hyesu?"

"I think no, I didn't see her with my sister when we finished the practice"

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