Chapter Four.

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Joe's POV

Wow, Aly is an awesome girl. I felt so awkward telling her my feelings, but I played it by laughing and acting cheeky. I just dropped her off at her hotel. I'm just pulling up to my apartment and walked inside to see Zoe sitting on the sofa on her laptop.

"Zoe, what do I do?"

"About what?"

"Well, earlier when you went to shower and what-not, I told Aly that I liked her and I feel like I made everything awkward."

"Joe, you're just freaking out."

"Do ya think? I don't want to scare her off, especially when I'm falling for her."

"Aw Joe! My little brother is falling in love! You won't scare her off, just keep acting like your normal self and everything will go smooth."

"I want to do something special for her."

"Like what?"

"That's why I'm asking you, I don't know!"

"Take her on a picnic at sunset! There's plenty of parks and courtyards around London to have a picnic at! Go by some trees or at the edge of the park, something small and special."

"That's brilliant! When?"

"Now that's your choice Joe."

"Is tomorrow too early?"

"I think that's perfect!"

"Ok, thanks sis!" I said as I lean over to Zoe and hugged her.

"Anytime Joe," she said as she ruffled my hair.

"I'm going to my room."

"Ok, I think I'm going to drive back to my house now, I'll see you the day after tomorrow, I'll stop by in the morning but I'll text you tomorrow to see how everything goes."

"Ok drive safe!"

Once Zoe left I decided to plan every detail for tomorrow. I'm going to take her to the local park and I'll take some candles and a nice blanket, my mom got me for christmas one year. I went out to buy a picnic basket and some picky food. Cheese, crackers, salad, finger sandwiches, and drinks, all in hopes that she will say yes. I then decided to call her to ask.

"Hello!" Aly said as she picked up the phone.

"Aly, hey, so I was wondering if tomorrow evening you would like to go out with me?"

"Like... Like a date?"


"Sure that sounds fun! Where?"

"The local park."

"Ok, what time?"

"I'll pick you up around 5?"

"Sounds great!"

"Ok see you then!"

"Ok bye Joe!"

Wow I didn't think I was going to be that nervous. I decided to go out to the pub with Caspar and then came home and called it a night.

The next day I spent at home and started getting showered and dressed at 4. I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and did my hair as usual. I grab my sunglasses, the blanket, candles, matches, and the basket and went to go pick up Aly.

"Hey Aly!" I said as she jumped into the car. She looked as beautiful as always, wearing shorts, tank-top and a cardigan.

"Hi Joe! I've been looking forward to this all day!"

"Good! Me too!"

I drove off towards a park and parked. We got out and I grabbed the blanket and basket and Aly's hand and guided us to a little secluded area surrounded by trees behind and on both sides of us. There was just enough room for the blanket and a little extra. I set out the blanket and candles and lit them.

"This is all so sweet!" Aly squealed.

"Well, I do my best to impress!" I said cheekily.

We sat down and ate the food while cracking jokes with each other. Eventually, the sun started setting and the little area was lit up by the candles I brought. Aly laid down with her head on my lap and looked up at me while I looked down at her.

"This has been so much fun Joe."

"Only because you're here." I said, she smiled at me and reached her hand up and pushed my hair back off my face.

"You're so beautiful," I told her.

"So are you," she said while blushing.

After the sun set, we both laid there talking quietly. I put all the trash and leftovers into the basket and pushed it aside. We both lay there, with her head on my chest, gazing up at the stars.

"What time is it?" Aly asked.

"About 10:30."

"Already? Wow!"

"Yeah, should we get going?"

"If you want."

"Ok, we can go back to my place, if that's ok?"


We start packing up and folding the blanket. I give Aly a peck on the cheek and we walk back to the car, hand in hand. We drove back to my apartment and I put everything away.

"Are you hungry again? We ate like 4-5 hours ago."

"I could be a bit peckish."

"Ok, I'll make popcorn, is that ok?"


I popped the popcorn into the microwave and poured us both a little glass of wine.

"Here you go, love."

"Thank you Joe."

We both sat on the sofa curled up together sipping our wine and eating popcorn, not the perfect combination, but it worked. We watched a movie. By the time the movie was over it was about 1 am.

"Are you comfortable staying the night here with me?" I asked.

"Sure," Aly spoke quietly, looking up at me.

"Let's go to my bedroom," I suggested.

"Ok." I picked Aly up on my back and we went into my bedroom. I tossed her onto the bed as I changed into my pajama pants. I would usually just sleep in my underwear, but not wanting to make Aly uncomfortable, I slipped on my pajamas pants. I handed Aly a pair of Zoe's gym shorts that she left in my room. Aly changed under the covers while giggling.

I slid into bed next to Aly, who was already making herself comfortable. Aly turned around and snuggled up into my chest. I laid on my back staring into the darkness not wanting to ever forget this. I heard Aly's breathing fall into sleep and decided to sleep as well.

"Goodnight Aly."

A/N: Yay! Another chapter! Hope you all enjoy reading it! Follow me on twitter @joesugg9012 Thanks!! xx

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