Chapter Seventy-Seven.

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Aly's POV

This morning, I woke up cuddled up next to Joe.

"Good morning babe," Joe smiled.

"Good morning," I said leaning up to give him a kiss.

"How're you feeling?" Joe asked.

"Good," I smiled happily.

I stroked my now baby bump. I am just over five months pregnant. We recently celebrated Maisie's first birthday and she's started walking more now. Fletcher is becoming a lot more social and outgoing, whereas, Maisie is still a little shy. A lot has seemed to happen in the last five months. We're still living in the apartment, however, we are in the midst of moving to a bigger apartment. Only two days ago, our real estate agent told us we got the apartment so yesterday we started packing. Also, we found out the sex of the baby we're having and it's another little girl. Although, we haven't decided any names yet.

"Mummy!" Fletcher yelled happily as he came into our room.

"Hey Fletch!" I smiled.

I sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard, like Joe. Fletcher climbed onto bed with us and cuddled between Joe and I. I slowly got up, my stomach is so big. I went and got Maisie up and walked with her into our room.

"Fletch!" Maisie smiled happily.

They played with each other. Maisie has also been talking more, she has gotten "Fletch" "Mummy" and "Daddy" down. Oh, and her new favorite, "No."

Anyway, after a little while, Joe and I left the kids in their room together and went to shower. After our shower, we got dressed into comfortable clothes. I wore my maternity yoga pants and a t-shirt. Joe threw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt too. We got the kids dressed and then started packing. We are hoping to move into the new apartment soon, as in a couple of days.

I started packing things into boxes and closing the boxes. Joe had some friends over to help them move some furniture over to the new apartment. They loaded up the sofas, tables, the televisions, and other furniture, like the bookshelfs etc.

Later that evening, we decided to go out for dinner. We decided on a restaurant a couple of blocks away. Joe drove us all down there. After we ate, we came back home and relaxed.

"It's seems so bare in here," I said.

"I know, it's pretty much only our beds we need to move now," Joe smiled, "And clothes, I reckon tomorrow night we'll be sleeping in our new apartment."

"Hopefully," I smiled giving Joe a kiss.

Joe and I put the kids to bed and quietly closed the door.

"Now what?" I asked jokingly.

"Well, since the televisions have been moved, we could watch a movie on my laptop, or..." Joe trailed off as he touched my waist.

"Sex?" I blurted out.

"If you want," Joe smirked, "I mean you are five months pregnant, so I understand if you don't."

"It's our last night here," I smiled before Joe pulled me into our bedroom and locked the door.

The next morning, both Joe and I woke up quite early. We had a long shower together and got dressed into the little clothes left we had at this house.

"It's our last day here," Joe smiled as he gave me a hug and pinched my bum.

"And into our new apartment!" I smiled giving Joe a kiss.

We got the kids up so we could be out of this apartment early so we could spend the rest of the day unpacking at the new apartment.

"Mummy? Where's giraffe?" Fletcher asked referring to his stuffed giraffe toy.

"At the new house, you'll get it later," I smiled.

Maisie toddled over to Fletcher and I.

"Up Mummy," Maisie asked.

"Baby, Mummy can't pick you up," I said rubbing my stomach.

Maisie soon started crying and so I got Joe to hold her for me.

"Maisie!" Joe smiled as he swooped her up.


Anyway, I got the kids dressed and ready for the day. I then packed whatever clothes and toys were left and everything was packed up except the beds had to be moved over.

"I have some guys coming over to help me move them in a bit," Joe said referring to the beds.

"Thanks babe."

Not long after, some of Joes' friends did come over and helped move the beds into the truck to take them over to the new apartment. And that was it. Everything had been taken over. In our car, I had our important documents and electronics and a couple of the kids' toys and baby bag.

"Ready to return our keys?" Joe asked.

I nodded my head and Joe and I quickly returned our keys to the landlord, before we left for good and drove down to the new apartment about a ten minute drive away.

"Here we are!" Joe cheered as we opened the door to the apartment.

"Yay!" Fletcher cheered, running around.

Our furniture was placed randomly around the room, obviously had just been unloaded. However, they had already unpacked the beds and put them in the bedrooms. We instantly got to work.

"Babe, I don't want you lifting any boxes or moving any furniture," Joe told me seriously.

"I know," I agreed.

Joe arranged the livingroom to my direction. The boxes of everything then started flooding the livingroom. Joe carried them to their assigned rooms. Then, I would go into room and start unpacking them and putting everything away.

We had upgraded houses for sure. The kitchen was about the same, but our bedroom was bigger, and now we had two kids bedrooms. We decided we would give one to the girls' and one for Fletcher.

"It's starting to look good," I smiled as it was now nightime and it was our first night in the new apartment.

"Yeah, there's still quite a lot to do though," Joe smiled as he gave me a kiss.

We layed in bed together, boxes, empty and filled, layed around the room, and the kids were in their separate rooms for the first time tonight, so we decided to use the baby monitors just to make sure they're okay. Joe and I cuddled up and chatted for a while before falling asleep together, in our new apartment.

A/N: Sorry for just a big time jump, I feel like it would make the story go and be more interesting. However, I am super excited for the new apartment they moved in to and their new baby girl on its way soon! Thanks for reading and remember to keep the input coming! Love you all! X

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