Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Joe's POV

  I couldn't believe Fletcher was already here. He was beautiful.

  Once we got back from the hospital, Aly carried Fletcher into the flat. She went straight to our room and layed him on our bed, pushing the comforter back a bit so it was around him.

  Fletcher then opened his eyes. They were the most magical mixture of bright blue and green.

  "Aly, his eyes."

  "He's so beautiful, he looks so much like you, it's crazy," Aly said.


  Aly and I then layed down on either side of Fletcher as he drifted in and out of sleep. I looked up to Aly to see she was also asleep.

  I slowly got off the bed, making sure there was no way possible Fletcher would fall off. I went into the kitchen and made myself some toast. After I ate it, I made a cup of tea for Aly and took it into our room. Aly was laying on her side, playing with Fletcher's hand, which was wrapped around her finger.

  "Here you go," I said putting the tea on her bedside table.

  "Thanks babe."

  Aly got up to go to the bathroom and I looked at Fletcher. I stroked his hand, they were so tiny. Fletcher looked at me in the eyes.

  "Hi Fletcher, it's Daddy."

  Fletcher just looked at me and blinked. Suddenly, he started crying.

  "Oh no, baby it's ok," I said picking him up and bouncing him slightly.

  "What's wrong?" Aly asked.

  "I don't know, he just started crying, so I picked him up."

  "He might be hungry, bring him here."

  I took him and handed him to Aly as she breast-fed him, and he went silent.

  "Told you," Aly giggled, "Mother's instinct."

  "Sure..." I laughed.

  Aly fed Fletcher for a good fifteen minutes. She then handed him to me to burp him. I put a blanket on my shoulder and rubbed his back.

  "How does it feel, not being pregnant now?" I laughed.

  "My back already feels a bit better!"

  I walked around the flat, just carrying Fletcher and trying to make him fall asleep. Fletcher kept playing with my finger, putting it in his mouth and just holding it. Eventually, he fell asleep and so I layed him back onto our bed next to Aly, who was also asleep.

  I slowly climbed into bed with them, trying not to disturb either of them. I then fell asleep, with my arm above Fletcher's head.

  When I woke up, I rolled over to see the time and it was 5:33pm. Fletcher was awake, but not crying. I could smell his diaper so I decided to get up and change him.

  I took him into the nursery and changed his diaper. I then wrapped him in his blanket and went to sit on the sofa. I held him as he would just look at me and blink.

  "Hello Fletcher!" I whispered, "Hello."

  Fletcher just kept looking at me before trying to look around the room. Suddenly he burst into tears.

  "Are you hungry again?"

  I went to see if Aly was awake. If she wasn't, she probably is now with Fletch crying.

A Blooming Relationship (A Joe Sugg FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now