Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Aly's POV

  I can't believe I'm pregnant again. Joe seems excited and I know I am. It's like when I was pregnant with Fletcher again, all my thoughts revolve around the baby inside me.

  "Ready to go?" Joe asked holding Fletcher on his hip.

  "Yup," I said as we walked to the car.

  We were going to grocery shopping and then the mall, to look around. After about ten minutes of driving we arrived at the grocery store. Joe put Fletcher in the shopping cart and I pushed the cart while Joe rubbed my back.

  We finished grocery shopping in about 45 minutes, after we loaded everything into the car and buckled Fletch up, we drove down the street to the mall.

  We looked around some stores. After a while we stopped and sat down and fed Fletcher because he was crying.

  "Should we head home?" Joe asked after looking around some more stores.

  "Yeah, I'm tired and Fletch could do with a nap."


  Once we got home I put Fletch down for a nap and then Joe and I layed down in bed and just talked.

  "Are you happy we're having another child?" I asked Joe.

  "Of course I am!" Joe said.

  "Ok, haha, you do want a boy or girl?" I chirped.

  "Hmm... I feel like this angel will be a girl!" Joe said.

  "Really! I feel like it'll be another boy!"

  "We'll just have to wait and see!"

  Joe and I messed around, giggling and kissing each other. I loved this man so much. I can't even imagine my life if I had never come to England with my family. This man, he is the love of my life and the father of my child or, soon to be, children.

  I curled up with my head on his chest and lightly tickle-stroked his lower stomach, making goosebumps arise on his warm skin.

  "I love you so much Joe," I almost whispered.

  "I love you too Aly."

  Soon after, Fletcher started crying. Joe brought him into our room and placed him on my chest and he assumed his postion as I fed him. Joe layed next to me on bed and pushed my hair out of my face.

  "I love you Alyson," Joe said softly.

  Fletcher finished and started crawling around the bed. Fletcher looked at Joe and then started giggling.

  "What?" Joe asked teasing Fletcher.

  Joe started playing peek-a-boo and that had Fletcher giggling like crazy.

  I sat on the bed and watched Joe playing with Fletcher. Fletcher looked so much like Joe, handsome. Fletcher has Joe's facial features, his eyes were a combination of mine and Joe's, a perfect combination.

  We ended up spending the rest of the day in our room, either eating, sleeping, laughing, or playing. Before 11 pm, Fletcher was already asleep on Joe's chest and I was dozing off. Joe stroked Fletcher's back and I cuddled up against Joe's body. We all fell asleep this way around 11 pm.

  The next morning, I woke up to see Fletcher between Joe and I, playing with his feet.

  "Morning Fletch!" I whispered.

  Fletcher gurgled a bit looked at me. I picked him up and smelt his diaper. Definitely needed changing. I went to change him and right when I took off his diaper and cleaned him, I felt morning sickness. Great. I couldn't leave Fletcher here on the changing table in case he rolled or crawled off. But I had to puke and my body wasn't going to let me hold in. I grabbed the naked Fletcher and ran to the bathroom, I puked out everything I could, until I felt better. Fletcher was crawling down the hall, stark naked.

  "Hello there Fletcher! Where are your clothes?" Joe said as he walked out of our room.

  "Sorry, morning sickness, again. It was right when I started changing him."

  "It's ok babe, I'll take care of him," Joe said picking Fletch up and carrying him to the nursery.

  I brushed my teeth and then decided to get a shower. Mid-shower, Joe comes into the bathroom and gets in the shower with me.

  "Hey babe," I say turning around to face him.

  "Hey, I put Fletcher in his crib with some toys. How're you feeling?" Joe asked concerned.

  "Ok, now. I'm too excited that we're having another kid to care about morning sickness!" I said hugging Joe.

  We finished washing ourselves and each other and got out of the shower. Once we were both dressed I went to go get Fletch out of his crib. I placed him on my hip and walked back to our room.

  "Why don't we have a date night tonight?" Joe randomly asked.

  "What about Fletch?"

  "Zoe and Alfie can watch him, I want to go out with you."

  "Ok, I'll text Zoe," I said as I grabbed my phone and placed Fletcher on our bed.

  "Hey Zoe! Joe and I would like to know if you can babysit Fletch tonight? I'll pay you."

  Zoe replied back almost instantly.
"Sure! Alfie and I were planning on hanging out with Marcus, Tanya, and Caspar, do you mind if we take Fletch?"
  "Not at all, it'll entertain him! How about 7 pm?"
  "W orks perfect!"
  "Thanks Zoe!"

  "Yay, Zoe will babysit Fletcher, she'll be here at 7 pm, her and Alfie are hanging out with Marcus, Tanya and Caspar, so they'll all get to see him," I told Joe.

  "Perfect, thanks babe."

  The rest of the day, I played with Fletcher and Joe cleaned most of the house. Then while Joe entertained Fletcher, I did some laundry that has seemed to be piling up. Before I knew it, it was already 6 pm.

  "We better start getting ready," Joe suggested holding Fletcher.

  "Yeah, casual or fancy?"

  "Casual, but nice," Joe smirked.

  "Haha, ok."

  I got dressed into a flowy top with a pair of skinny jeans and sandals. I put my hair up into a messy bun. Then, I went to pack the bag for Fletcher. I put diapers and wipes into a bag. Also, I stuck in two bottles, one with juice and one of milk. Finally, his baby blanket, giraffe, a change of clothes and Cheerios.

  "Zoe! Alfie!" Joe said as he opened the front door to see Zoe and Alfie standing there.

  "Hello!" Zoe chirped.

  They both walked in as I walked down the hallway carrying Fletcher on my hip and the baby bag over my shoulder.

  "Fletcher!" Alfie yelled.

  Fletcher has taken a liking to Alfie so as soon as he saw Alfie he started squirming and squealing. I put him on the ground and he crawled right over to Alfie, who then picked him up and placed him on his hip.

  "Aww!" Zoe giggled.

  "Ok, so I'll text or call you when we'll come get him and just let me know where you are," I said handing the baby bag to Zoe.

  "Ok, we'll probably be at Caspar's, but no problem!" Zoe said as cheerfully as always.

  As Zoe and Alfie said good-bye and took Fletcher, Joe and I grabbed jackets and headed out the door.

A/N: Sorry I was out of country for two weeks with no wifi!!! Another chapter! Ok! Hope everyone likes it! Thanks!! xx

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