Chapter Sixty-Four.

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Joe's POV

Once we picked up the kids, we decided to go shopping. We went to Target, which is an store that sells everything, sort of like Asda, but more clothing and other stuff rather than food. However, at Target, we bought some food to keep at our hotel, some water bottles and some snacks for the kids. I also bought a pack of condoms while we were there. Once we had gotten everything we needed, we drove back to the hotel. We unpacked our newly purchased goods and then put the kids down for a nap.

"What's up?" I asked Aly, who seemed distracted.

"Just thinking about our conversation we had this morning, I don't want to disappoint you because I know you want more kids," Aly said sadly.

"Babe! Don't worry about it! I love our kids and our family now too! I agree that waiting a while would be beneficial, lets the kids grow up a bit more and lets us relax, Maisie's only like 9 months anyway, there's no rush!"

"Okay babe," Aly said snuggling up next to me.

After a little while, the kids woke up and we all just went on a walk on the beach. I carried Maisie and Aly played with Fletcher, running away from the incoming waves so they didn't get wet. Soon enough, it was time for us to get ready for going out to dinner with Aly's parents and their friends.

"Should I wear the same dress as last night, or this one?" Aly asked holding up another dress she packed.

"That one," I smiled pointing to the one she packed.

"Alright," Aly smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I got dressed, wearing black jeans and a nicer button-up shirt and a nice jacket. I then got the kids ready. I dressed Fletch in his jeans and a nice shirt Aly had bought, and then I put Maisie in a little dress and leggings. I finished by putting a bow in her hair.

"Babe!" Aly laughed as she looked at Maisie.

"What?" I laughed, confused.

"Her dress is on backwards!"

"Damn it!" I laughed as I fixed her dress.

Aly got dressed into her dress which was a thin, short dress and then she wore her black heels.

I drove us to the restaurant we are meeting her parents at. We were all seated and unfortunately, Aly and I did not sit next to each other. Aly sat across the table and I sat between the kids. Fun.

Throughout the meal, Aly and I were pretty excluded, the older folk talked about golfing and their businesses and the kids were all entertained with each other. Aly then texted me:

"Gah! Boring!!!"
I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What do you prefer, Aly?" Lucy said to Aly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, pardon?" Aly said blushing for not paying attention to the conversation.

Lucy repeated her question to Aly and Aly answered and then we both continued listening to their conversation. Maisie soon grew tired and so I held her on my lap, to stop her from starting to cry.

"Is she okay?" Lucy asked me.

"Yeah, just tired," I smiled.

We had finished eating and now we were just sipping wine at sitting at the table. I looked at my phone and it was already past 10 pm.

"We should go," Aly whispered to me across the table.

I nodded my head in agreement as Fletcher was already asleep in his booster seat and Maisie now asleep in my lap.

"We're going to have to call it a night, it was nice meeting you all," Aly smiled as she stood up and straightened out her dress.

"Well thank you for coming," Aly's parent's friends said.

We all gave each other hugs or handshakes good-bye. I slowly handed Maisie to Aly and then picked up Fletcher out of his booster seat. We walked to our car and drove back to the hotel.

Once back in the hotel room, Joe and I carefully changed Fletcher and Maisie into their pajamas before putting them into their crib.

Aly went to the bathroom and took off her make-up. I hung up Aly's dress for her.

"Thanks babe," Aly smiled as she came out the bathroom in my shirt I wore earlier today.

I stripped into my 'pajamas' once again and got into bed.

"I love you," Aly said softly as I turned on the television.

"I love you too babe," I said leaning over to give her a kiss.

Aly ended up choosing a movie for us to watch. We watched the movie and I went on my phone, looking at the comments on my videos:

"When's the next video?"
"Upload another!"
"I love you Joe!"
And the list goes on.

"Looks like you got some competition," I joked showing Aly the adoration comments from fans.

"Well just don't forget about me when you're famous," Aly joked.

"I could never forget about you," I said giving Aly another kiss.

"Aw, babe," Aly smiled lovingly.

I showered her in kisses before the movie ended; once it ended I realized I hadn't really paid attention to any of it.

"I'm tired," Aly yawned with her eyes closed.

"Goodnight," I whispered.

"Goodnight babe," Aly whuspered as she fell asleep.

I leaned over to turn off the bedside lamp before I also went to sleep.

A/N: Yay! Another chapter!! Thanks to everyone for reading!!! Please remember to vote and comment!! Love you all! Thanks!! Xx -A

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