Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Joe's POV

  Fletcher is now about 8 months old. He is now crawling around and eating solid food. Time has definitely flown by. Aly and I have also decided that we have plenty of money from just my job each month, with some to spare, so Aly is going to be a stay-at-home-mom. She's also mentioned home-schooling once Fletch gets older.

  "Hey babe, what ya' thinking about?" Aly says interrupting my thoughts.

  "Us, our family."

  "Hmm...?" Aly presses.

  "Just about how much Fletcher has grown already and our life."

  "Time has definitely flown by... A lot."

  We both sit on our bed in thought. It's about 10:30 pm and we were settling down into bed, we turned on the television in our room and popped in a movie. We both ended up falling asleep before the movie finished.

  In the morning, I got up to go to work, I went to go check on Fletcher in the nursery and saw he was awake and just rolling around.

  "Hey Fletch!" I said as I picked him up.

  Fletcher made some of his infamous baby noises and gurgle-giggled. I sat him on my hip as I finished getting ready for work.

  Fletcher just watched me or made noises. Before I left, I fed him some crackers and juice. I then went into our room to see if Aly was awake. Surely enough, Aly was still asleep. I decided to put Fletcher back into his crib with his blanket and a stuffed toy, he took a liking to, it was a small plush giraffe that Aly's mom bought for him. After giving him a peck on the forehead I left the room and gave Aly a kiss before heading to work.

  Work was pretty quiet today, just the usual work to be done. Around 6 pm I left work and headed home.

  Once I got home, I saw Aly and Fletcher sitting in the livingroom. Aly was sitting on the ground with.Fletcher as she held up her hands and held him as he 'walked.'

  "Hey babe!" I said as she scooped up Fletch.

  "Joe!" Aly said giddily.

  "What's got you so happy?" I asked happily.

  "Oh nothing..." She said cheekishly.

  "Aly Sugg, tell me!" I whined jokingly.

  "Well...." Aly said trying to stall, "I'll tell you later..."

  "Fine!" I huffed jokingly.

  I went to play with Fletcher and Aly went to go make something for dinner. Before dinner, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. On the counter there was a pregnancy test, reading positive.

  "Alyson!" I yelled.

  I grabbed the pregnancy test and went out to the livingroom.

  "Are you happy?" Aly shrieked excitedly.

  "Of course I am!" I yelled as I gave Aly a huge hug and kiss.

  Fletcher giggled and played with a little tupperware box infront of him, opening and closing it.

  "Fletcher, you're going to be a big brother!" I said excitedly.

  Fletcher saw that Aly and I were excited and picked up on it. Fletcher started giggling and rolling around. I picked him up and he gurgle-talked.

  "This is great!" I exclaimed.

  "I'm glad you're happy too."

  "Mama, Dada," Fletcher said looking at us longingly.

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