Chapter Eighty-Five.

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Aly's POV

  I woke up once last night, just checking on Lia who was still fast asleep. But this morning, I woke up cuddled up with Joe.

  "Good morning," Joe smirked as he woke up and stretched.

  "Morning," I yawned.

  I got up and picked Lia up out of the bassinet.

  "Good morning beautiful," I whispered.

  I layed her on the bed between Joe and I and we both just admired her. Soon enough, Lia's eyes fluttered and she opened her eyes and blankly looked at Joe and I, before bursting into tears. Joe scooped her up and cradled her gently.

  "Maybe she's hungry?" Joe suggested.

  "Maybe," I said as Joe handed me Lia.

  I pulled down my shirt and Lia started drinking. Joe smirked once again before getting up and going to check on the other kids. He soon came back in carrying Maisie and Fletcher trailed closely behind.

  "Mummy! Lee-ya!" Fletcher squealed as he climbed on the bed.

  "Sh, careful Fletch," I said quietly.

  Joe sat back down on the bed and set Maisie down and she crawled over to Lia and I.

  Once Lia was done eating, I pulled my shirt back up and held her in my lap. Maisie was sat on Joe's lap and Fletcher played between us.

  "Should I make breakfast?" Joe asked.

  "Sure," I smiled.

  I carried Lia's fragile body, cradled in my arms and wrapped a blanket around her body before following Joe through to the kitchen.

  "Mummy! Up!" Maisie whined.

  "Okay," I smiled as Joe took Lia from me.

  I picked up Maisie and carried her through to the livingroom. I sat her down in her booster seat. Lia started crying again so I took her from Joe and went to change her diaper. Afterwards, I washed my hands before joining Joe and the kids in the kitchen for breakfast.

  "Mummy? Is Lee-ya here forever?" Fletcher asked curiously.

  "Of course baby, just like you and Maisie," I smiled.

  "Yay!" Fletcher cheered.

  Joe and I smiled at each other, followed by a wink from Joe, and finished eating our breakfast. I held Lia in my arms most of the time, and when I wasn't, Joe was.

  "I'll do all the dishes," I said to Joe.

  "Thanks babe," He smiled as he gave me a kiss and took Lia from me.

  I then did the dishes and Joe sat with Lia on the floor where Fletch and Maisie were playing and watched them play. Lia soon fell asleep, so Joe put her in the small bassinet.

  Joe and I left the kids to play and Lia asleep in our room as we went to shower. I've missed showering with Joe. As I was in my late-second and third trimester with Lia, I didn't shower with Joe, instead I took baths because they were just overall more comfortable for me at the time.

  "I love you," Joe smiled as the water cascaded over us, grabbing my bum.

  "Joe, I love you too," I said back as I gave him a kiss.

  We continued showering until there was a tiny knock on the marbled, glass shower door, that almost made me jump out of my skin. I slid the door open a bit and there was Fletcher, smiling happily.

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