Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Joe's POV

  I woke up to Maisie crying around 2 am.

  "Joe can you change her please?" Aly groaned half-asleep.

  "Ok," I grumbled as I got out of bed and went into the nursery and changed Maisie on the changing table.

  After changing Maisie, I carried her back to my room and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up around 9 am and got up. I went to the nursery to see Fletcher awake. I got him dressed and then showered and dressed myself. By the time Fletcher and I were both ready for the day, Aly and Maisie were still asleep so I scribbled a note for Aly and went to a grocery store down the street to get some food. I took the push-chair and took Fletcher with me.

  After a short 10 minute walk we arrived at the grocery store. I bought some salads, vegetables and snacks. After I check out, I put the bags in the carrier at the bottom of the push-chair and started the walk home. Because it wasn't raining for the first time in what feels like forever, I took the long way home, which ends up with bad results.

  I ran into Lucy, from school again, this time she was walking out of a corner liquor store and was lighting a cigarette.

  "Joe!" Lucy screeched when she saw me.

  "Oh hey Lucy."

  "Want a fag?" Lucy offered handing out her cigarettes to me.

  "No thanks I don't smoke."

  "Oh alright then. How's life? We should meet up sometime."

  "Hm, yeah I don't know."

  "No, I'm serious Sugg! You should come hang out with me and our friends one night for some drinks!"

  "I don't know, I've got two kids and my wife at home so..."

  "One night won't hurt, how about tomorrow night, Friday! Just meet me at the Royale Club around 8."

  "I think I'm busy tomor-"

  "Gotta run! See you there!" Lucy said scurrying away.

  Dammit. The last thing I want to do is hang out with her in my free time, I'll talk to Aly about it later. I continued my walk home and when Fletcher and I got home, Aly was up and sitting on the sofa feeding Maisie.

  "Morning babe," Aly said as I walked in with Fletcher.

  "Hey, how're you feeling?"

  "Fine, a bit tired, but alright."

  "Good babe, I ran into Lucy again.."

  "Great what'd she say this time?"

  "She wants me to meet up with her for a drink tomorrow night."

  "Are you going?"

  "I don't know, it'd be cool to see some of my buddies from school but at the same time I want to be home with you and the kids."

  "Aw Joe, go out! Have fun, you've been amazing these past couple of days, you deserve a break babe," Aly said giving me a kiss.

  "Babe, I love you."

  "I love you too."

  That night I bathed Fletcher and put him to bed a bit early and Aly and I watched a movie together until Aly started feeling tired. I carried Maisie through into our room and Aly followed behind. She put on one of my shirts and  got into bed. After I had stripped to my underwear I also got into bed. That night, Maisie slept nearly all night, only waking once for Aly to feed her and then I burped her and changed her and she was good for the rest of the night/ morning.

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