Chapter 2~Rapunzel

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Chapter 2

Rapunzel P.O.V

"Pascal! Where are you?" I giggled, searching under carpets and behind chairs.

"Hm... I wonder where Pascal is..." I tapped my finger on my chin as I quietly creeped up behind a blue and white striped vase.

"AH HA!" I triumphantly grabbed Pascal by the tail

Pascal stuck his tongue at me, and changed back to his original color.

"RAPUNZEL! LET DOWN YOUR HAIRRR!" Someone yelled cheerfully

"Coming Mother Gothel!" I grabbed my hair and ran to the window, throwing my hair out.

"Bring me up!" Gothel yelled

I tugged my hair up slowly until Mother Gothel came into view.

"Well, hello dear! What did you do while I was gone?" She brought out a brush and started to brush my hair.

"Well I did the dishes, swept the floors, made more candles, sewed new clothes, painted new pictures, and played hide and seek with Pa-myself..." I casually spoke

"So how was the market Mother?" I curiously asked her.

'I wish I can go see the real world one day...' I sighed to myself

"The market was divine! So many things! You would have loved it!" Mother Gothel clapped, but suddenly became serious, "But you can't, and why is that Rapunzel?"

We always go through this every. single. night.

"Because the world out there is dangerous, and you don't want me getting hurt." I recited, knowing it by heart.

"Mother?" I spoke softly

"Mhm?" She closed her eyes, rocking back in forth in her chair as she continued brushing my long hair.

"Mother I...I want to go to the market with you when I turn 18, which is in a couple of days."

She stopped brushing my hair.

"We'll talk about it later, okay? Just sing the song for me, and I'll think about it."

"Mother, you always say that every single time whenever I ask you this question!" I spoke with exasperation

"RAPUNZEL! I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Mother stood up and stared at me harshly.

"I'm sorry Mother..." I shrank back

"No, no I'm sorry! I shouldn't have snapped at you like that," She gingerly touched my hair

"Now Rapunzel, sing the song."

I sighed, and started singing with my hair glowing.

"Flower gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fates design,

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine,

What once was mine." I finished singing, and my hair slowly stopped glowing.

"Now Rapunzel, it's bedtime, off you go." Mother shooed me off into my bedroom and locked the door.

I held back tears, and ran into my bathroom, my hair trailing behind me. I sobbed quietly as I brushed my teeth and used the wooden toilet. Sadly, this bathroom door has no lock, so I have no privacy at all. I sunk down to the wooden floor, and brought my knees up to my face, and sobbed as quietly as I could.

"Rapunzel, are you okay?" A multicolored feathered woman peeked her head through the door.

I gasped and backed up, bumping into my bathtub.

"Who-who are you?" I stammered, looking around for an object to hit this...thing.

"I'm-" She began

"No, wait! You're here for my hair, aren't you?!" I pointed at her, getting up on my feet, feeling angry.

"Now Rapunzel, I'm not here for your hair-" The woman backed up

"How do you know my name?" I held my guard up, using my hair as a whip.

"I'm a Guardian! I know everyone! Plus, I'm also the tooth fairy. Your teeth are very healthy I must say!" The woman stared at my teeth, making me squirm a bit.

"So, you're the Tooth Fairy?" I put my hair down

"In the flesh! You believe in me, so you see me!" Tooth did a flip in the air, and came down.

"So I have to believe, in order to see?" I said slowly

"Yup! Now I am here because you are the new chosen Guardian!" She was suddenly in my face, smiling happily.

"Wait, I'm the new Guardian? What about you?" I panicked, surprised that I have been chosen.

"Well, sooner or later, we all got to rest!" Tooth Fairy chuckled and floated to my bed

"Rapunzel, why are you talking to yourself?" Mother's voice muffled from the door

"Um, I'm just reenacting from a book that I'm reading Mother, don't worry!" I yelled for her to hear me

"Okay, just don't stay up late dear!" Mother's voice faded away

"How did you get here? How was I chosen, why was I chosen? Wha-"

"Rapunzel!" Tooth flew to me, and cupped my face in her hands,

"I promise to answer all your questions, but we have to get to North's workshop soon, because they're coming!"

"Who's coming?" I whispered

"I'll show you when we get there. For now, we have to go!" Tooth clapped excitedly, and rested on the window.

"What about my mother?" I glanced back to the door

"I wouldn't really consider her as a mother, but don't you want to explore?" Tooth gestured out the window

"I want to, so badly, but I'm scared," I stared at my feet sheepishly

"Don't be, your the new Guardian! Manny didn't choose you for nothing!" Tooth tried persuading me

"Who?" I looked at Tooth, becoming confused.

"Look Rapunzel, I promise to answer EVERYTHING, but we got to get going!" Tooth pleaded, glancing out into the night sky every 5 seconds.

"I never liked my mother anyway!" I cheerfully ran towards the window, and quickly gathered all my hair.

"Ready?" Tooth took out a snow globe.

"North's workshop." She whispered, and threw it out the window.

A portal appeared at the bottom, showing pictures of snow.

"YOU SUCK MOTHER!" I screamed

"Hold my hand!" Tooth interlocked her hand into mine

"Rapunzel?" Mother Gothel stuck her head into my room, staring at me deadly.

"JUMP!" Tooth yelled, and we jumped together.

"RAPUNZEL!!!!" Mother ran to the window, veins popping, and eyes wide with hatred and anger.

And that's all I saw before I was taken to a new place in a new world...

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