Chapter 14~Suspense

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Chapter 14


Rapunzel’s P.O.V


Jack and I flew peacefully over the green forest, feeling the heat of the sun beat down on us. There were beds of flowers that were swaying with the wind, and the trees waving hello when we sped on by.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” I sighed happily

“Rapunzel, keep your head together, we’re on a mission to find Elsa, remember?” Jack said

“Yeah I know, tough guy,” I started to stroke Jack’s hand with my other hand

Jack suddenly let go of my hand.

“JACK!” I screamed, as I started falling down like a dead weight.

I closed my eyes, waiting for my death, until I felt arms around my waist, hoisting me up into the air again.

“Rapunzel,” Jack sighed

“Jack, you dropped me, and then saved me?” I was confused

“I would never kill you, let alone be killed,” He looked away, flying towards Arendelle’s castle that was looming near.

“Jack, I...I think I love you.” I admitted to him, looking up at him.

His only response was wide eyes, and his lips parted slightly open.

“Um, Rapunzel, I don’t know how to tell you this, but-”

“Sh, Jack, don’t ruin the moment,” I leaned into his face

I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me, even though I felt him pushing himself away from me.

“No Ra-”

And then I smashed my lips onto his. The coolness chapped lips against mine felt heavenly for me, but then Jack jerked his head to the side.

“No Rapunzel, I like-”

“I know you like me, Jack.” I rolled my eyes

“No not-” He was getting frustrated now

“Whatever.” I turned away, but still hanging onto him.

He cried out angrily, and kept going. We landed safely at the courtyard in front of the castle, and I brought my hair into my hands, using it as a whip. The town was almost deserted, looking like a ghost town.

“Where is everyone?” I wondered out loud as I looked beyond the gates, seeing no one walking around.

“I don’t know…” Jack held his staff close to him, ready to fire ice at any minute.

No servants or maids were busily running around, only silence. The birds weren’t singing, but at least the fountain was going. All the flowers looked exhausted, the bushes were bare, and the trees were leafless. Everything looked...dead. We cautiously walked up the wide stone staircase to the huge, broad dark wooden door. My feet padded quietly, while Jack just floated beside me, his feet brushing up against my dress every now and then. My cheeks heated up with Jack so close to me, but we’re on a serious mission.

“Stay close,” Jack whispered as he looked around

“Of course.” I winked

Jack missed my wink while he was looking around.

‘Maybe he feels awkward about the kiss.’ I told myself

I shrugged mentally, and kept walking by him.

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