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Chapter 19


Hiccup’s P.O.V


The sand slowly crawled up my leg, going at a snail’s pace. I started to struggle, the sand coming in faster.

“The more you struggle, the faster it’ll grow.” Pitch smiled

There were screams suddenly, but it was distant.

“My goodness, Hades must have gotten himself another member to his family,” Pitch chuckled darkly

“That’s disgusting.” Astrid spat

Pitch whipped around, and slapped her in the head, a thick crack in the air.

“Quiet.” Pitch said

“NO!” I bellowed

The sand was immediately below my chin, covering my face, and seeping in through my ear and mouth.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t do anything.

‘Here I am, gasping for air.’ I thought to myself.

I gasped and gasped, but I couldn’t.

“Hiccup… you can let go…” A voice so distant, yet so near. It sounded familiar.

“Mom?” I wheezed, coughing out some black sand.

“When you go, please give my thanks to Zeus, and give a hug to Aphrodite for me…” The voice drifted off away quickly as I tried to gasp for my last breathe…




Elsa’s P.O.V


The blood quivered, and it shot through half the map, when suddenly it went splattered all over the place, and sank itself into the paper.

“Bonnie, what just happened?” Rapunzel froze in her chair *no pun intended*

“I…” Bonnie scrunched her dark eyebrows together

“It was working, but I felt the connection slip away.”

She pushed herself up from the chair and began pacing back and forth. “This hasn’t happen ever, unless…” Bonnie paused.

“Unless…?” I questioned

“Unless… Hiccup died.”

“WHAT?!” Merida bursted from her chair

“No, but that can’t be, he-he can’t be…” Merida started to choke up sobs

Rapunzel scooched her chair to Merida, and began to comfort her. Jack closed his eyes, gripping his staff tightly. Flynn looked around the room with confusion, still trying to melt my ice away from his feet.

“Maybe something went wrong. Maybe Pitch, or whoever this dude is, concealed himself so well that I lost connection.” Bonnie tried to calm everyone down

“Or maybe he isn’t on earth, but somewhere else,” I said slowly

“That could be one of the reasons.” Bonnie shrugged

“Guys, Hiccup can’t be dead. He’s still alive, I can feel it.” I said loudly

Merida sniffed loudly, and Rapunzel wiped her tears away. Jack stomped his staff, creating a thin layer of ice on the floor, and it began snowing. Bonnie stuck her hand out.

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