Chapter 8~ Confessions

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Chapter 8

Elsa's P.O.V

"Elsa..." A voice drifted from afar

"Mhm?" I moaned

"Elsa?" A voice repeated itself

"Yes Arthur?" I sleepily replied

"Um, it's not Arthur..." A voice hesitated

"Oh, sorry Heather, is there something you need?" I groggily sat up

"Um, it's not Heather either..." The mysterious voice giggled

"Oh, hey Jack, I had a wonderful time in Paris..." I started to doze off again

"Wait, what?!" A voice shrieked in my ear

My eyes shot wide open, and I tumbled out of bed.

"I'm up!" I shot up from the ground

"Did, you have a dream about Jack last night?" Rapunzel stood their with her arms crossed

"No, we went to Paris together!" I spoke happily, sighing with content.

" you didn't," She stared at me weirdly, "Sandy knocked you out with a good dream. You were here the whole time..."

"Wait, so... that was a dream...?" My voice cracked at the end

"Sadly, I guess! I had a dream about Jack too..." Rapunzel sighed dreamily

Suddenly, anger boiled in my blood.

"You had a dream about Jack?" I snapped

Rapunzel looked taken back

"There something wrong, Queen Elsa?" She smugly smiled at me.

"No..." I muttered quietly

Rapunzel is way prettier than me, that's a fact. Her charm, her beauty, her personality, her...everything! I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with her? I sighed sadly

'I'll never have a chance with Jack...'

"I'm just going to get some breakfast..." I mumbled as I stumbled past her, still in my nightgown.

I pushed open the door to the main room, and headed towards the kitchen. I looked at the clock near the door. It said 7:34 AM.

"Everyone's probably asleep, I'll be fine," I mumbled as I gathered strawberries, frosted flake cereal, milk, and an ice bowl that I created.

I poured everything in, and let it sogg for a moment. I was halfway through my bowl, sitting on the stool by the granite island when the door opened.

"Done Rapunzel?" I turned towards the door, only to find Jack shirtless in his ice-blue pajama pants.

Both of our eyes became wide, and we scrambled to find something to cover us up. My nightgown was a little exposing, since it was v-neck, but at least the bottom of the nightgown was at an appropriate length.

"Oh, hey Jack..." I said in a small voice

"Hey Elsa..." He spoke at the same time

We both stood there awkwardly since we couldn't find anything to cover us up.

"So, uh, how was your sleep?" Jack turned red, scratching his neck

"It was fine, how was yours?" I spoke in a higher pitch

"It was fine..." He smiled

My eyes traveled down his lean body, staring at his eight-pack. I heard a chuckle, realizing I was just ogling him.

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