Chapter 16~ Twist

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Elsa's P.O.V

"So we do meet again!" The person exclaimed

"What do you want, Eugene?" I took a step back

"I want to finish what Hans started." Eugene took a step forward towards me

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm not exactly in a good mood." I crossily stared at him

"Now, since Hans has been diminished into the other dimension-"

"What?!" I looked at him like he was struck by lightening

"Oh Elsa, so much to know, so little time for you." He smiled

"Yeah? You and what army?" I stuck my hand out, all ready to shoot some spikes at his face.

"Bonnie!" Eugene called out, still grinning like a person who won a lottery.

A girl with light brown, curly hair and tan skin, walked from behind a tree, wearing a flower peplum shirt with a jean jacket, and white jeans. This so-called girl Bonnie was also wearing long beads of necklace, and tan booties. She was wearing mild lip gloss, and shimmery brown eyeshadow.

"Do your thing Bonnie." Eugene started inspecting his nails in boredom

"Huh?" I stood straighter now. "Rapunzel, what are you doing here?"

I stared straight to the back door to see Rapunzel with her messed up hair and blood stains on her golden train of healing power. She opened her mouth and closed it. She then pursued her lips, and it made her look like a fish.


Eugene's P.O.V

I swerved around to see who Elsa was staring at. I was expecting Jack Frost to be standing there with his staff, trying to look all mighty and stuff, but no. I lay my eyes on a beautiful girl, who I felt drawn to, I have no idea why. Something about her made me feel like I known her before, in some fairy tale or in another world. She started right back at me with wide eyes, filled with curiosity and recognition.

"Eugene, do I have to? I made a vow long time ago to not hurt other people. Now you're just bringing me into another unnecessary situation." Bonnie turned towards me, her eyes begging for me to let her go.

I finally turned to Bonnie, anger burning through my eyes.

"Bonnie, who saved you from being bait to Klaus? I did. You owe me." I said cruelly

"I know, but I was expecting something else besides harming someone." She began arguing with me

"NO!" I roared

She flinched back, and so did everyone else.

"You made a deal, stick with it." I stomped over to slap her in the face, but before I could, I was down in crippling pain.

"OUUWWWWWWW!!" I howled in pain

"Rapunzel, NO!" Elsa reached out

"Please! Don't hurt him!" The girl named Rapunzel was sitting beside me now

"Never mess with a Bennett witch, do you understand that?" Bonnie spoke in a low voice

"Now, when I say I won't harm anyone, I mean it. No harming any innocent lives, just because your working with stupid Pitch. If I were you, I would leave this idiotic plan, and walk away." She continued

I clenched my head, and rolled around in pain.

"Please! Stop!" Rapunzel was near to tears now

The pain stopped immediately, but a small banging was inside my head.

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