Chapter 11~ Gone for now

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Chapter 11


Jack’s P.O.V

“Quiet!” I shushed Hiccup

His armor kept constantly banging with each other, which made sounds in the air. Hiccup walked slower, and the armor stopped making noises. I nodded, and kept walking forward. We were down in a tunnel. How did we get here? I kept hearing voices earlier, and I followed it, which lead to a broken, banged up bed in a forest. We broke the bed and we found a hole. Elsa freezed the hole so we were able to slide quietly into the tunnel. Man, I tried to keep my eyes and hands off her, but it’s so hard. She’s absolutely beautiful.

“Jack? You okay?” Elsa poked my shoulder

“Huh? Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about y-this mission… yeah this...mission.” I stammered a bit

‘That was close,’ I thought in my head

“Oh, well we better keep walking…” Elsa continued following the tunnel, leaving an ice trail behind her.

Her heels making no sound, but making her legs look longer. The opening at the side of her dress just makes me want to rip it off, and make her mine. And her hair… don’t even get me started on her hair. It looks like an angel came and played with it.

“Come on luver-boi. Keep walkin’.” Merida smiled and pushed me with the back of her arrow.

“I’m not in love with anyone Merida!” I exclaimed

“Eh, okay.” She shrugged

“So Jack, what’s up?” Rapunzel popped up

I smiled at how adorable she was, but I’m not interested in being in a relationship with her.

“Nothing much,” I replied smoothly

“So I was wondering-”

“Guys!” Elsa called out quietly, “I found all the assistants!”

We quickly rushed over to Elsa, and we stared at all the black cages that held Tooth’s little assistants hostage.

“Come on, let’s free them!” Elsa rushed over to a cage, froze it, and punched it with her fists, causing the frozen cage to shatter into pieces.

The fairies all hugged Elsa, and rushed out, following the ice trail that Elsa left.

“Aw, how cute, all the Guardians here at once.” A voice echoed out into the room

We all stopped what we were doing, and went into our fighting positions. Hiccup whistled, and Toothless came flying in, slamming the cages open.

“You can open them all you want, I don’t need those fairy assistants anymore. I just need you guys!” Pitch appeared, fixing his fingernails.

All the fairies were rushing out, and hopefully, going to the old Guardians for help.

“Elsa, my dear, how are you?” Pitch appeared next to Elsa, trailing his fingers down her arm.

“Get away from her!” I ran with my staff towards Pitch

He vanished into black smoke, and appeared next to Rapunzel.

“No!” Elsa shot out her hand, and hit Pitch’s arm before he vanished into the darkness.

I held Elsa close, not wanting to let go, but I ran over to Rapunzel.

“Are you okay?” I strained out each word

She nodded, and closed her eyes. Rapunzel started singing the song, and her hair started glowing brightly.

“What’s this? GET THE LIGHT OUT!” Pitch raised his arms up to shield himself from the light

Elsa froze Pitch to the floor, and Rapunzel wrapped her hair around Pitch, and repeated the song again.

“NO, LEAVE THE LIGHT OUT! PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!” Pitch started screeching with fear, the light shining all over him.

“What once was mine…” Rapunzel finished the song

Her hair suddenly died out, but then bursted with blinding light.


A puff of black dust filled the air, and started to form into a tornado.

“EVERYBODY, GRAB MY HAIR!” Rapunzel shouted

We all grabbed her hair tightly, and held on.

“Rapunzel, I have an idea, but everybody, HOLD TIGHT!” Hiccup screamed over the howling wind

He tied Rapunzel’s hair to Toothless, and patted his tail. Toothless flew up, folded his wings, and jetted into the tunnel. It opened its wings, and beat against the wind, and flew up out of the tunnel into the air, smashing the bed that was over the opening of the tunnel. I let go of Rapunzel’s hair and flew besides Toothless. Suddenly, a loud booming sound filled the air, and black dust reached to the dark sky.

“YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF FEAR! I’LL GET YOU BACK, DON’T YOU FORGET IT!” Pitch screamed out, dissolving into nothing.

“Jack!” Elsa called out


“The fairies! Did they go back to Tooth?” She asked

“Yes, they went back to Tooth.” I looked out into the dark sky

We slowly flew back to North’s workshop, and opened his door. It was strangely quiet, and nothing seemed to be moving.

“What happened here?” Hiccup wondered

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