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Narrator Pov.

---10 years ago----

A small raven haired boy raced down the street, in hopes of getting home on time for once. Getting home in time means less pain, and less pain is good. The boy thought, checking his watch. 1 minute 28 seconds left to get there. 'That's great' the boy sarcastically thought 'a 5 minute run in a minute in a half'. Sometimes he really hated his thoughts, mainly because they were usually right. He kept running trying to get more speed, but luck was not on his side as he got home about 14 seconds late. Gabe was never one for counting seconds though.

The boy put his hand on the door knob, gulping, and opened the door. Smash! A bottle hit the boys chest, and he dropped to the ground, in pain. He felt tears well up in his eyes but didn't dare let them out. Gabe doesn't like him crying. If he did the punishments were worse, he hated cry babies.The man in question hobbled over to the boy, as his blurred vision cleared he saw his fat walrus of a stepfather pull him up by his hair so he was face to face with the monster. the 8 year old shivered from nerves he knew what was coming. His stepfather put his face even closer to his (if that was even possible)and said "were have you been delinquent. your a couple minutes late I see. What do you have to say for yourself!" at the end Gabe was full out screaming, but he couldn't say anything his tongue was like cement in his mouth. Even if he could manage to open his mouth he would probably be sick, because of this mans foul breathe. It smelt of bear, smoke and rotting fish. A most disgusting combination. "well, boy. ANSWER ME!! I don't like to be ignored." as he screamed in his face again. He was suddenly dropped to the ground and he felt a shooting pain in his ankle probably broke...again. As he was almost wishing that Gabe would end his life he felt a strong kick in a not so pleasant area. he let out a grunt of pain holding his crotch. He felt Gabe stab him with bear bottle shards, over and over, and over again, in his stomach, shoulder and back multiple times. as his vision was blurring and he was seeing black ad white dots bounce and claim most of his sight he could feel himself being flipped over and the excruciating pain in his back as Gabe brought his new leather belt with metal pointy suds down. Than he saw nothing but black.

---4 hours later---

When the boy woke he saw that he was in a hospital bed. 'oh great' he thought 'he finally brought me to a hospital' he thought, loving his life. Note the sarcasm. He looked around glancing at the curly haired boy next to him. He was staring at the boy with a mischievous gleam dancing in his eyes.

" Hi" The boy smile an (obviously fake) smile. Well at least it was obvious to the boy, the same smile was on his face "I'm Leo" He said and the boy glanced at him.

"Percy" He whispered back, not trusting his new roommate in the slightest. But him being as smart (note obvious sarcasm) as he is he said "why are your smiles so fake" as soon as Percy had said he felt bad. He went to cover his mouth but only to wince in pain and drop his arm back to his side. Being stabbed by glass doesn't feel so good in the mourning. His roommates face got darker and his brown eyes lost there gleam.

"How- How do you know?" Leo asked, frowning at Percy.

He stared at the ground. "its the exact same one I have." He whispered, his eyes just meeting Leo's. They shared a glance of understanding, already friends.

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