Chapter 5

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When he woke up, the first thing that hit him was the smell. It smelt musty and old, and had a hint of mothball. He was surrounded by dirt, and grim. It seemed to him that he was in a sort of underground cave, the sort that they found Pan in, but worse. They could see roots hanging from the tops, and the makeshift light, was scarcely hanging from a thread.

He looked around tenderly, careful of his pounding head. He was chained to the dirt walls of his prison. His first thought was "where am I?" Then his heart skipped a beat, "Jason!" He thrashed against the chains, and he heard a deap voice, "quiet!"

He stopped, why he stopped, he had no idea. But, for some reason he recognized that voice, so he stopped to.... analyze. Or you know, rub his head that kind off hurt from smacking it against the wall.

Anyway. He took this time to look around more, were is that voice coming from. He new he was being watched as he felt eyes burn in the back of his head. He strained his hand to lightly graze the fabric that would usually bend to tell outline of Riptide in his pocket, but this time there was no trace of the comforting indent of knowing he had his sword on him. Crap.

His mind kept flashing back to the infirmary, Nico's image burned in his mind. The iron grip on his jaw that no doubt left a bruise that reminded him way to much of Gabe. And he shuddered at the thought. He used his red wrists to rub slightly at his aching jaw.

He remembered the silvery liquid that shimmered with the reflected light that shined through the window. The way that it seemingly burned a whole through his throat as it made tremors across his body. His stomach jolted as he remembered the liquid that brought him here.

Lastly, he thought of Nico. Why he was here,  why did Nico do that, and he couldn't help think of how yet again another person he trusted had stabbed him in the back. Percy struggled against his restrants.

"Let me out, of here, dumbass!" He yelled to no avail. "How long am I going to be here" he murmured quietly,

"oh, Jackson. Haven't you figured it out yet, your not getting out here."


Back at camp half blood things weren't much better. Jason was running around like a monkey on crack, and usually Leo would laugh about how the usually uptight almost professional guy was almost in tears, but it wasn't any laughing matter. Because Percy was gone.

They had the whole Athena cabin searching, the Apollo cabin said they'd search the infirmary, and Chiron was trying to calm the 7. But it wasn't working.

Jason just wanted to scream at him, I will not calm down, Horse Man! He didn't, but Thalia and Annabeth did. Everybody, was surprised when they broke up. Percy explained that sense Tarturus was hard for both of them, and quite frankly, neither of them looked at each other the same way. Although they stayed really good friends. They always went to each other if something was wrong, they still trusted each other endlessly, which everybody still found weird.

"Annabeth, please. Stressing yourself out won't help with anything." Chiron soothed to no avail. Suddenly, Austin came barreling in.

"Guys, I don't know if this means anything, but I can't find Will either. I thought that sense, I had healed Percy earlier, Will would have seen him, but he's gone"

"Wait, Injury's?"

"Will. Will. Will." Leo chanted. Jason looked at Leo, what the absolute fuck was he doing? Leo made eye contact with Jason a minute later. Then Jason understood, it was Will.

Hazel gasped and Piper but her lip while saying, "well, then. Isn't it obvious. Somebody is kidnapping campers"

Frank nodded with Piper but Thalia interrupted, "no, that doesn't sound right. Nobody gets a hold on Percy, not with us around and Percy can sure as hell put up a fight, if it was somebody it had to be a god. Or even somebody he trusted. But I don't think anybody would do that"

Jason made eye contact with Leo again. 'Percy doesn't trust Will, not one bit'. 'But he did trust Austin, was it him'. Leo grimanced, 'or even Nico'. Leo used his mouth to talk with Jason who shook his head and mouthed to Leo, 'Nico wouldn't do that.' 'We never know, man, Percy's missing, we can't rule it out.' Leo said to Jason as Austin Talked.

"Yeah, Injury's. He was mauled, looked as if he was puked up by a blender. Nico's gone too, no trace of him, Will, or Percy anywhere. "

Jason stared at the dusty floorboards, and kicked them angirly, and groaned out.

"Chiron a moment" he demanded

Sorry it's short guys. It's been a crappy couple of days, just kind off wrote this out of nowhere. Haha. Next one will be longer I promise!!!

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