Chapter 1

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---10 years later---   

 ---present time at camp half-blood---

Percy groaned, but kept running. These 'pranks' were going to be the death of him. 'How did the campers get their hands on a pack of lions!' he thought, jumping over the creek. "Stupid lions being faster than me. " he muttered, just as the first one caught up to him, and tackled him to the ground. He glared at the lion, a stupid mistake. The first lion thought his leg would make a fin new chew toy, because he started to chew through the skin and chomped into his flesh and muscle completely demolishing it. He heard Derek a Hecate camper laughing in the distance. He chocked back his screams of pain and the sobs of hurt and betrayal. "what did I ever do to you" he thought. Just as the other lions caught up to them. The first couple of them bit, chomped, and chewed at his flesh in the various parts of his body. And the rest were bearing there teeth as if to say 'if you try to escape, I will use your head as my new ball'

"Nice Kitty? Pretty kitty?" Percy  said trying his very best to get these things off him, while Swallowing his screams of pain. 

He heard "nice Job guys" but it seemed far away. The lions trampeld over him into the woods and vanished. And the last thing he saw before he passed out was Derek's face and Derek said "next time your 'friend' stops me from bullying new campers and ruining my day, you will pay even more"

  ---Time Skip---

When he woke up all he felt was pain, thou he couldn't understand why. "What happend last night" he thought out loud. Than he looked around and realized he wasn't in the Poseidon or Zeus cabin. Percy let out a groan, and somehow got up, then fell back down. He looked at his limbs, and let out a strangled gasp. All the memories of last night flashed back to him, and he panicked. Jason, oh gods! He must be so worried. ' I could just tell him I am sick' he let out a small chuckle ' yeah sick of these pranks and beatings from campers' he thought. Grabbing a drachma from his pocket, he got the mist to make a rainbow then through the coin in it. 

"Oh Fleecy! Do me a solid! Show me jason grace at the Zeus cabin" Percy chanted, trying to hide his limbs so only his head shows. 

"Percy? Where are you it's twelve o'clock. Plus Derek, and Will are at your door." Jason said, worried. Percy let out a groan. 

"I'm sick Jason. I'll be fine, just give me a day, maybe?" Percy grinned shyly. 

"Do you want me to come over there. You should eat something!" Jason said, worried about his boyfriends health. 

"I'm fine Jase. Don't want you to catch it." Percy improvised, a completely fake grin on his face. 

"And the campers?" Jason asked.

"Just let them stay there." Percy groaned. If they were at his cabin, they weren't here. But one thing that confused him, is Nyssa. Why isn't she with Will and Derek? 

"bye , Love you Jase" percy said and not waiting for a reply, he swipped his hand through the Iris message. 

"Now what to do about getting to some cabin." Percy muttered. "Still can't believe they used lions" He muttered, trying to get back up, as a camper walked into the clearance. 

'Oh gods' Percy thought, trying to get out of their line of sight. I didn't work. 

"Percy?" Leo asked, and Percy let out a groan. Of course they were going to figure it out. "What are you doing out here?" He observed Percy "Why do your legs look like chew toys?'" He said, kneeling by the boy. You could tell he was trying not to get angry, by the way his face was slowly turning red from anger, but he tried to keep it down.

Percy gulped. "Promise you won't tell. Not even Jason or Nico. Nobody needs to  know" Percy made him swear it on the river Styx. Sense Leo already knew about Gabe and Percy knew of leo's abuse from Tereasa, he could trust Leo with this secret also.

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