Chapter 4

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a/n thank you Soo much @daughter_of_olympus for helping me find inspiration for this story, and being so unbelievably kind! Everybody go check her out

Percy didn't know what to do, honestly for the first time in a while, he hadn't an idea of what to say or do. What the fuck, happened to me? Was the only thought in his head.

"Well" his sentence trailer off, he found it physically impossible to lie to Jason. His bright blue eyes shown brightly behind his wired glasses. The gaze Percy received made his insides churn, he yearned to simply spill his guts to Jason. To have everything he wants to say overflow. But, he couldn't.

In his moments of hesitation he looked at Leo, his sea green eyes gleamed through the darkenes of the trees.

"It's the sickness" He told Jason, it was a pitiful lie. They both new it, he and Jason new how bullshited the given answer was, and that's probably why Percy didn't get a reply. From Jason at least

"You've got to be fucking joking, Perce. You honestly think we would believe that?" Percy turned his head to look at Leo, a look that said. 'not helping!'

Though Leo knew he wasn't helping Percy's case. That's why he said it, even a fool could see how deeply in love the two boys were, Leo didn't want Percy's stubbornness to get in the way.

Percy fiddled with riptide in his pocket,
"I'm sorry" Percy confessed. "I just can't tell you" the look on the Raven haired males face wasn't something that the other 2 boys wanted to see again. Filled with pain, and guilt.

Percy, turned his head and refused to look at the other two boys. And for a split second, he thought he saw Nico but he disappeared just as soon as Percy saw him. 'probably nothing' he thought.

--------------- time skip--------

Percy say in the plan white room in the back of the infirmary. He was unbelievably tired, his body ached and his eye lids threatened to close. He saw Nico and Will through his door. They were holding hands, and simply talking. Percy felt bad for Nico, the guy has gone through his fair share of shit in life as well.

Percy viewed Nico as his younger brother, he wanted to protect him from harm. Even though Nico could definitely defend himself. He wanted to warn Nico about Will, wanted to tell him about the dark cold-heartedness in his eyes, and the bitterness behind each smile.

He wanted to tell him that Will wasn't who he seemed. But he just couldn't bring himself to, he saw how happy Will made Nico, and it was about time Nico got happiness.

Then Nico turned his head, and looked over at Percy, but quickly dropped his gaze to break eye contact. But, the glimpse Percy saw wasn't nice, he saw guilt, and confusion. Will leaned over to Nico and whispered something that seemed to be encouragement.

"That's odd..." Percy murmured to himself. Suddenly Nico turned back towards the plain door, and hastily opened it. Walking in.

"Hey, Nico" Percy said, but Nico was having none of it.

"Who did this to you" Nico's sentence surprised Percy, the bluntness and his rigid stance told him that Nico already knew the answer. But, that's impossible, right?

"Nevermind" Nico answered before Percy could answer. The word, held a surprisingly  bitter-sweet undertone.

Why was he being so cold towards him?

"Are you okay, Nico?" Percy, questioned.

Nico looked like he was internally battling himself. Percy was worried for him, he wasn't been this dark and gloomy sense the war.

Then Nico took a vile from, behind his back.  It held a silver liquid, that sloshed against the side voilently as Nico walked closer to Percy.

"Will told me to give this to you. It's supposed to help"

Percy didn't answer. Will want the doctor he saw, he was treated by Austin. Why did Will, give him something?

He couldn't stop the little nagging in the back of his head. His chest ached. Guilt. He didn't trust Nico, but he couldn't help it. He has trusted alot of people that have stabbed him in the back. Its fair to say he had major trust issues. (Me too my, dude)

"Umm, Im good actually. All set. Don't need anything" Nico started at him like he had five heads, and peered at him like he was staring into his soul. His repetitive sentence,  and the fact that he said it with a slight stutter like he was trying to convince Nico of something.

"Well, Wills the Doctor, Perce. Trust him" the Nickname used looked like it physically pained Nico.

"Well, Will wasn't my doctor, Nico." Percy snapped. "Your acting weird, dude. What's gotten into you"

Nico didn't answer answer besides a short, "I'm sorry" before, Nico took his (quite small) hands and yanked his jaw open wide.  Percy's gasp was caught in his throat as the silver liquid was dumped down his throat, leaving a burning trail in it's wake.

Percy choked and gaged before he was plunged into darkness. The last thing he heard was Nice repeating his last sentence. "I'm so sorry, Perce"

"I'm so sorry"

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