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What town did you grow up in?--umm

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What town did you grow up in?

What is your eye color?
--I've got blue eyes. There oddly bright and sometimes change to a greyish, or a more layered darker blue.

What's your favorite season of the year?
--my favorite season is Fall because of how pretty it is

What's your birthday?
-- March 26

When was your first kiss
-- 😘

What do you smell like?
--how the hell am I supposed to know what I smell like? Well, I mean, I've been told I smell like lavender or lilac, but....

What do people like most about you?
--i honestly don't know

What do people tease you about?
-im not teased, usually. Only my brother being my brother

How many languages do you speak?
--english but I'm learning Spanish

-----im lazy so I'm going to stop writing the questions------

-- I would rather hug


--None of the above

--im currently writing questions and answers about myself. But you know I'm also breathing, I do it all the time

I'm too lazy to tag 15 people, Im not sure I know 15 people

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