Chapter 3

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Percy pov. 

My breath caught in my throat. My boyfriend was not here. There was no way I was unlucky enough to have him be here. But, peaking my head from the tree, he was standing, in all of his blond glory, talking to my best friend. Right behind the tree that I was hiding behind, gods kill me, please. I here voices but fear is climbing its way throughout my body, and I am frozen unable to move myself no matter how much I would like to move, or shoot myself, i'm not picky. All I wanted was my boyfriend right now. I want to shove my face into his chest like I have done many times before, and I know that he will always protect me. I want to hug him, and kiss his soft peachy lips knowing that we would be alright. But, that will never happen. Not with Nyssa, Will, and Derek here, to torture me. My thoughts were cut off by a frustrated groan, from none other than my perfect boyfriend. 

"He has to be here somewhere, though. He's hurt." His eyebrows were scruched up, he was biting his lip, and he looked like he wanted to scream. "I have to know if he's alright Leo, he has to be alright." He was rambling on and on. About me. I hurt him. I felt tears roll down my cheeks, but didn't make a move to stop them. I looked at my boyfriend, the son of Jupiter, the one who survived a war. And he looked like he was in pain. Like he wanted to either cry or scream. I put him through pain, he deserves so much more than plain old me. I whispered "I'm so sorry my love. I don't deserve you. I put you through so much pain. "

His head snapped slightly to left. And I quickly moved my head behind the tree once more, but I know that it is no use. He heard me. I could feel his hopeful gaze against the tree. His feet pounded on the forest floor as he sprinted over to my hiding spot, that I was now uselessly trying to pull myself onto with mauled arms.  Just before he could pick me up and spin me like a princess in his arms, he saw me. 

Not the normal Percy Jackson, who always wore a huge smile, and could never be hurt. The real me, and has tears stains on his cheeks. Covered in injuries and fighting to try and find some dam way to keep a smile on my face. I could practically feel the mood drop, as Jason turned to look at Leo. 

"Valdez" he growled, stomping towards my best friend who cowered against the tree. That poor tortured tree. "What did you do to him" His sword was in his hand, and was now two inches away from my fiery friends neck. 

"Jason!" I cried, "stop it! Leo didn't do anything to me" I pleaded, desperately trying to get up off the ground. 

His eyes turned back to a kind blue, and he saw my futile attempts to get him to stop.  His oval shaped head snapped back to wear I sat. I was now, In front of the tree I was once hiding behind. As soon as he saw me his kind blue eyes, filled with love. His sword turned back into a golden coin, and he slowly made his way over to me. He was acting carefully like any-one of his steps could brake me, like I was a scared, little child. He saw my wolf-like glare aimed at him, as I was looking into his eyes. I hated being treated like I was broken. I mean...I am, but with help I could be fixed again. Right?

I didn't notice that he had made it all the way over to me. But, I'm glad he did, I need him right now. I need to feel safe, secure. I need to nuzzle my head into his chest, in just a way that makes me feel secure. I need to kiss him, to feel his warmth, heat me up and give me hope. Hope that I could make it through this. But, there is no hope, not with Nyssa, Will, and Derek. He puts his arm underneath my thighs and lifts me up, when i'm up to his height, I waste no time, to smash our lips together. He tastes like maple, and cherries not a desired combination, but once we started dating it's the only thing I carved. 

And, yes he is taller than I am. By 5 inches, to be exact. (A/N fucking fight me) And for your Information I am not short. I am actually considered to be taller than average. Jason's just a freakishly tall roman Sasquatch. I really need to get back on track. 

He pulled apart first, as soon as I lost his warmth I made a small whimpering sound. His sent of maple no longer filling my nose, and the craving of his taste of maple and cherries reappeared as soon as we departed. I pushed my head so it was nuzzled deep into his chest, and my callused hands felt his rippling abs. Than he laughed. That laugh that was my favorite thing to hear, it is a beautiful melody that i can't seem to get out of my head. 

He tried to put me back on the ground, but I just wrapped my legs around his torso and refused to let go, While wining like a lost puppy. I snake my arms around his neck, so he has no choice but to pick me back up again. When he does, I go back to out previous position with my head nuzzled into his toned chest. His melodious laugh voiced out again and flowed through my ears like an angel singing. Wow, when did I become shake spear. Look what he does to me, turns me into a dictionary of words, that can only be used when describing him. Than he asked the question I had no answer to, the one I was desperately trying to ignore. 

"But, if Leo didn't hurt you, who did?" My mind blanked, usually I come up with useful lies right away. But I can't seem to lie to him. The only thing I could think of is....... Well shit.... I'm so fucking screwed....

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