Chapter 6

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Chiron stared at Jason, and finally said "of course" Jason made eye contact with Leo and fallowed Chiron into the next room. leaving Leo with the rest of the gang.

"So" Leo said, enlongating the word. "Leo" Annabeth called threateningly. Leo took the helicopter that he had been figiting with and flew it at Annabeth attempting to lighten the mood. Which didn't work because Annabeth caught it out of the air and snapped it in half.

"Okay, then" Leo said. "You know what happened to him." She stated. "Well, not exactly. But I do know who happened." He told her.

"Leo, that makes absolutely no sense" Austin, who was still in the room, sighed.

"No, it makes some sense when you think about it. Leo, you meant that you know who did this to Percy."

"Yeah, I know who took Percy. But it's not something that he would do, Man. But, if anything, I know who he did it for."


Percy struggled as the cloaked figure moved towards him at a slow and agonizing pace. Proving to Percy that he was nothing, that she had him fully under her control.

He knew that she didn't, but the mindset was still there, though more as a facade.

"Perseus Jackson" the figure breathed out In a raspy voice.

"No!" Percy cried out in desperation as the figure pulled of his hood.

Percy awoke gasping and panting, hair stuck to his sweaty forhead as tremors arose  throughout his body.

But demigod dreams were not just dreams.

He looked up at the underground prison he was kept in, and be wondered were that cloaked person stayed, where were they? We're was Nico, Will, and he let's be honest probably Narcissa.

That cloaked person, scares Percy to the bone. The only person, who Per y ever fully gave in to. The only person who chilled Percy to the bone.

"Oy, glad you finally figured it out Brain Boy" the heard the raspy voice taunt.

"Smelly Gabe."

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