Chapter 2

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Shipequality4life helped write this. She is the best person and author in this universe.

Hello followers this is ShipEquality4Life, and I'm here at Solangelo1234567890 house and am writing this as she gets a cookie. Please send blue cookies to the poor poor person. She never had any! The horror I know! 

Percy wasn't one for crawling. No way he was going to crawl if there was any and I mean any other option. He barely made it behind a tree and did a 'tuck-n-roll' into a bush (He was just that cool of a ninja) when leo came out of the clearing. Percy held his breath, hoping and praying to every freaking god in that dam world that elf would keep walking.

But no. WHy the heck would any god listen. For gods sake he was almost sure Aphrodite chose that moment to give him some sort of blessing (He wasn't so sure how the heck the goddess had taken a liking to him) due to his pink glowy-ness. So instead he busied himself with staring at his bestie.

Leo had his right hand surrounding the gauze wrap, and he was sitting under the tree. That poor tree it went through so much torture in its short life. Percy could feel the wave of emotion rolling off of Leo. He understood, but he just didn't get it. What did he do wrong (besides existing, and breathing, and well being Percy) this time?! Then he noticed Leo had small tears rolling down his face.

He frowned. I made my best friend cry? Maybe I was wrong. He slowly made his way over to Leo.

He glanced up at Percy, and then looked back down. "I'm sorry" they both muttered at the same time. Leo looked at him shocked.

He engulfed the Latino boy in a hug, burying his head in Leos chest, just listening to a heartbeat. Something he really needed to just relax. No crazy quests, no insane campers, no hot boyfriend. Just two dorks hanging out in a forest. Leo picked Percy's head up off his chest and looked at him. Then his eyes widened.

"God fucking damnit!" Leo shouted, hurriedly pulling Percy to his feet. "Jason is going to be so worried! I told him I would get you!"

"Jason told you to get me?" Percy asked, his face showing hurt. He thought his friend had came out there because he wanted too.

'Why would he go out there for you Percy? There's nothing worthy to find. Just a pile of Fag lying in what he deserves.' Percy thought.

'Screw off" Percy muttered, trying to not bother Leo. Of course he heard him. "What?" Leo asked. "I said screw off. I thought you came out here because you wanted to help. Because you wanted to find me. Not because Jason asked you to check up on me!" Percy said. Gradually getting louder as his little speech grew longer.

Percy reached out and snatched the gauze from his friends hand angrily, and threw it as hard as he could farther into the woods. And he shouldn't have been surprised that the gauze hit a tree and ended up smacking him in the face. the obsidian haired boy looked away refusing to meet the eyes of his, once so beloved friend. Percy was embarrassed at himself, and kinda disappointed. Of course whatever he did would back fire, and of course his ex-best friend just had to see it. He was frustrated as well, with everything.

"Percy" Leo whispered, grabbing the raven-haired boys mauled arm. He realized that he wasn't going to be able to actually apologize to the boy, who was about to cry. "Come on, lets go to the infirmary"

"No" was the stubborn answer that he got. "I won't go anywhere with you! I don't need your help or anyone else's. I can help myself, I don't need your sorry ass pulling me down anymore. I can't believe you only helped because Jason told you to, you were never my real friend, I can't believe I ever trusted you!" Percy's rant cut off, and valiant sobs overtake his body.

The curly-haired Latino wrapped his skinny arms around the taller boy. trapped demigod struggled against the hug, and flung his chewed up limbs around in attempt to stop the hug. But he was already tired, so he stopped trying. "I told Jason, I would look for you in the woods. He said that he saw tree's when you iris messaged him earlier. I said I would bring you back in a hour if I could find you! I was being stupid, and brain farted for a second when I found you. I was so relived that I forgot that you were just a human chew toy to overgrown cats." He said. Than he whispered "Please forgive me"The raven haired, boy surged forward and gave him, a big hug. Taking that as acceptance he hugged back and moved his head so he could look at his friend. "Lets take you to bunker nine to fix you up, Okay?"

"sure" he said with a yawn. He started crawling and just got behind the nearest tree, when a figure came into view right were he was moments before. "Leo? Did you find Percy?" He surpresed a gasp, when he heard the gruff, worried voice of his boyfriend.

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