Chp 7

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"Aww, your back. Medusa take pity on you?" Now Percy had no idea were the hell that came from. He would never tell you that to your face, but he had no idea what possessed him to say that.

The result wasn't pretty

"Why you little" Gabe strained out through gritted teath. "I knew that was you, you goddamn freak! No good just like that dead-beat of a woman you call your mother!"

To say that Percy was angry, would be an understatement. He was absolutely seething. He could feel the water through the moisture on the ground. The follicles of water that rested in the air, he could feel the build up of sweat that accumulated on the forehead of what was once his 'stepfather'

Yet he forced himself to remain calm. Because from what he had learned throughout his plenty of years fighting, is that no matter how scared you may be, just a little bit of confidence, even if it's fake, can change the dynamic of your game.

"Fighting him won't do you any good you big oaf"

Will. He could see that bleach blond hair slowly walking towards him in long strides.

"Don't tell me what to do, pretty boy" Gabe mocked, the sun of Apollo. "Hey, I can return you right back to the hell you came from remember that, tough guy. This one," he kicked Percy with the toe of his foot before continuing "is the only reason why we bright you here"

And that is how Percy somehow found himself in the crossfire between two of his capturers.

Speaking of capturers, Percy could help but let his mind wander to Nico. Will was here, yet Nico wasn't.

Just thinking of Nico made his chest ache. Because somehow he knew, that this was yet another person to add to the never-ending list of people who have betrayed him.

"And who may we be?" Fucking, idiot. Percy knew that he really should shut the hell up.

"What's it matter to you, pretty boy"  said another voice. Nyssa.

Now Percy could see Nico. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to the slight whoosh of air that accompanied Nico when he uses his shadow teleportation. He saw him in the corner, we he thought he couldn't be seen. Jacket hoodie covering the swollen bags under his eyes.

"What are you all planning?" The question of truth. Why are they down here? What are they going to do?

"The Gods have betrayed us over the years, they don't care about their kids! We need to show them that doing that was a mistake. And with you by their side, we can't. But now that your not..." Yet another voice taunted Percy, as Derek stepped out from behind Gabe.

As Nico looked up, I finally understood. Nico's eyes were framed in red, and he stood confidentiality. Ares. That was the answer. They sided with ares.

What Percy knew then, was that they didn't know that they weren't actually revolting against the gods. They were just pawns in ares intricate game of chess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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