A happy ending

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Hi my fellow readers! I hope you're enjoying the story even though it doesn't make that much sense. This is my first book here o. Wattpad so it's a little jumbled up and confusing but maybe it will clear up in this LAST CHAPTER. Thank you for being so patient reading to here! Have a wonderful day everyone!

( time skip)
When Jack , Sally, Lock,Shock, and Barrel arrived in town, everyone flocked to Jack. Barrel stayed close to Jack . When the Mayor saw Sally, he couldn't help but be embarrassed and guilty." I-I'm so sorry Miss Sally, is there any way you can forgive me?" He asked. Sally nodded , giving him a hug. Eventually the crowd got so big that Sally left to the graveyard.

Jack greeted everyone happily, then he saw Sally slip out. He remembered a ring he had bought for her before Halloween. I think I'll follow her.

( time skip)
Sally sat on the Spiral Hill plucking petals off of a dead rose. Hearing footsteps behind her , she turned. Jack stood there nervously. " um Sally, can I ask you something? I- you- we have known each other for a while and you know that I.." Jack gulped," love you very much.. I wanted to ask you.. " he knelt on the ground on one knee." Will you marry me?" What if she says no... he thought.

Sally looked down at Jack in surprise. Tears came to her eyes as as she smiled. Suddenly Jack was brought into a hug." Yes.!" She answered. Jack smiled, wrapping his arms around his fiancé. She said yes....

Hi ppl! Any of you wondering if Jack ever got finclestiens blessing , he did. I didn't wanna bore I by writing about it tho. Hope you like the story! Also should I make a series out of this? Vote if yes! Bye!

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