Storyteller Chapter 4

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Val’s POV

I woke up to sound of my alarm going off like a bomb. I opened my eyes slowly and whacked the thing hard on the top to turn it off. I sat up and stretched out like a cat. I got out of my bed and took a nice long shower washing away all my worries. I got out of the shower and dried off and blow dried my hair before brushing it so that the ends were facing outwards. I put on raspberry lip balm on and went into my room. I grabbed a red silk short sleeved blouse and some blue skinny jeans. I put on some white sneakers and opened my laptop to check my progress on Wattpad.

I got down to my story and looked at the number of reads and I screamed. I had 14,695 reads, 48 comments and 602 votes on The Starry Sky Above. I thought for a second I was going to faint then I clicked on the name and went down to the bottom of my story page and started reading the comments. Most of them were really positive and they were all asking to upload immediately. I uploaded another chapter and left it at that for now. I looked at my fan number and I already had 61 fans after just that one story. I couldn’t believe my story was already that popular after one night it was unbelievable but I couldn’t let it get to my head.

I came up with a new story idea called Under The Moonlight We Ride about a group of explorers who are cursed to only travel when the moon is in the sky and travel to break this curse on them. It was a paranormal adventure and I started writing it while I ate the waffles my dad made for breakfast. The only two things my dad could make were Belgian waffles and macaroni and cheese. My mom was the cook out of the two of them but I liked it when dad cooked for us. It was one of the ways he showed how much he loved us and had missed us while he was gone. “Morning typer”, my mom said kissing my hair as she passed me, “so what is the verdict Patrick are the waffles burnt?”

“No dear today they’re perfect”, he said giving her a plate.

“I love syrup”, Teddy said pouring tons on his pancakes.

“Don’t push the limits little man”, I said taking away the syrup.

“I like sugar”, he said with crazy eyes.

“You need to lose the crazy eyes and eat what you have”, mom told him.

“Yes mommy”, he said starting to eat his food.

“Thanks for the waffles dad they’re delicious”, I said in between mouthfuls.

“I’m glad you like them what was Wattpad like?” he questioned, “Do people like your stories?”

“Yeah a few people do”, I said shrugging.

“My daughter the writer”, my mom said proudly, “you just wait and see my girl is going places”.

“Just like our boy’s going to the moon”, dad smiled, “we have two great kids”.

“If only they won’t grow up so fast”, mom said sadly.

“Relax mom I won’t be moving out as soon as I graduate”, I laughed.

“You must certainly will not you need to take care of us”, she said tapping me on the nose.

“Yes mom”, I said rolling my eyes.

“If I try and leave we’ll ground you”, dad said hugging me.

“I’m not graduating yet so chill”, I told them both.

“You’re going to be old soon”, Teddy teased.

“Someday you’ll have nice hair”, I said messing it up again.

“On second thought move out today”, he announced.

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