Storyteller Chapter 15

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Val’s POV

“Mom I found the jasmine hand lotion”, I said running over to my mom who was looking through the romance novels.

“I don’t know if I need it”, she said unsure, “my skin isn’t as irritated”.

“You should always have a backup plan in case it doesn’t and last week you admitted it was intoxicating”, I reminded her.

“That’s true”, she said putting it in the cart, “besides it’s going to be hot out this time of year”.

“Good thing Teddy is going with you two”, I laughed.

“Or you might have a little brother or sister by next year”, she teased.

“Information overload”, I said covering my ears.

“Relax your little brother will be there so we’re all good”, she said playfully, “you know you could come too if you wanted to”.

“I’m graduating next month mom and I can’t miss any more school”, I said shaking my head.

“Buzz kill”, she said pouting.

“Yes I am now for your trip you should read Hunger Games like you promised that way you don’t get any perverted ideas”, I said picking it up.

“I guess you’re right”, she laughed.

“I’m glad you guys are taking Teddy this time”, I said cheerfully.

“Next time you should come with us”, she sighed.

“We’ll all go for my graduation present”, I reminded her.

“Have you decided what you want to do when you grow up?” she asked.

“I have a few scholarship opinions and I’ve gotten acceptance letters to almost every place I’ve applied too and I’m looking into literature and journalism”, I said seriously.

“You aren’t going straight into college next year are you?” she asked suspiciously.

“I don’t have too much else to do”, I said leaning against the wall of magazines.

“You should explore the world for a year you would have fun”, she suggested.

“Both of the girls are going to be gone and I think college could be fun”, I explained.

“Yes but you need to explore your opinions first”, my mom insisted.

“That’s what grade 12 is about”, I said grabbing the newest L.J. Smith book.

“I mean explore adulthood for a year before you’re back in school you could have fun traveling”, she said heading to the medical section.

“I like it here though and I don’t want to be away from the people I love”, I said unsure.

“As your mother I order you to have fun”, she said, “you’re going places sweetheart I know that for sure and I will be proud of you whatever you decide to do”.

“Thanks mom but it’s probably going to be college”, I said.

“Your little brother is going to space camp later on this summer”, she said proudly.

“He got in that’s great I heard it was really hard for young people like him to get in”, I said surprised.

“I have connections he’s going to camp every summer all through his young life because my boy is going to be an astronaut”, she said proudly.

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