Storyteller Chapter 7

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Val’s POV

"Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy got my glasses out the door I'm going to hit this city", my iPhone rang as Nadia, Henri and I were watching the latest thriller. Nadia was sitting forward completely sucked in and Henri was curled up in a ball covering her eyes. I was blowing bubbles in my Coke currently to settle Henri down. I looked over at my phone and it was another email from dusktildawn52.

How is Wait and See? He asked.

It’s not as good as I thought it would be there’s too much blood it’s disgusting, I replied shaking my head.

All blood and gore scares the inner child, he teased.

Shut up at least I’m not curled up in a ball like Henri or drooling over the hot guys like Nadia, I said eyes narrowed.

Glad to hear you’re not drooling, he texted.

Someone might get jealous, I wrote with a smirk.

I’m not the jealous type, he replied.

I liked your latest story about the Victory Circle and that horse, Walker who proved he could run it had a good plot design, I typed in.

Though I should probably give him a cooler name, he wrote.

Like Trotter or something maybe, I suggested.

Trotter sounds way better so what are you up to tonight? He questioned.

Writing the conclusion for my latest story The Rising Sun, I said honestly.

Is that the one about the pirates who are trying to find the edges of the Earth and have that kidnapped girl on board who ends up being the daughter of the sun god, he asked.

That’s the one she’s just told the young pirate, Nix that she’s going to find her father because she knows now, I said proudly.

All the girl characters in your stories are heartbreakers that’s suspicious, he typed.

I didn’t notice but I guess I just like to pull on people’s heart strings sometimes, I answered.

Is this true in real life too? He asked.

No I’m not a heartbreaker in real life I’ve had four boyfriends and they all broke up with me because they got bored, I said shaking my head.

That’s hard to believe because I’ve been talking to you for two weeks and I still only know six things about you.

You live in my time zone.

You’re the same age as me.

You aren’t a heartbreaker.

Your email is

You have two friends, Nadia and Henri.

You are a good writer.

You’re quite secretive and that’s an attractive quality in a girl, he finished.

A compliment from you I could die right now, I said sarcastically biting my lip.

You’re also very dramatic, he replied.

I’m a storyteller and you’re one to talk last week you swore you were going to die because you ran of Stride gum, I remarked.

It was a national emergency it’s hard to get at my school, he texted back quickly.

“You’re texting the stalker again aren’t you”, Nadia said looking over at me.

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