Storyteller Chapter 12

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Val's POV

I woke up to the sound of my mom and dad singing in the kitchen. They were singing Journey, their favorite artists. I smiled to myself sitting up and stretched out like a cat yawning. I got up and put on a pair of snug skinny jeans with writing all over them. They used to be plain but one day the girls and I got really bored playing Monopoly and wrote our favorite quotes in all kinds of different inks and gels all over it. I grabbed a green tie dye shirt and some tan uggs. I put them down then carefully washed out my streaks so my hair was completely jet black then I pulled it back into a ponytail. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed a banana then saw my mom was making muffins. "Morning mom", I said leaning over to the counter and kissed her on the cheek.

"Morning sweetheart", she said putting the muffins in the oven.

"Sorry I didn't tell you about Alex", I said chopping up my banana.

"I can understand why you were secretive most parents won't approve of online relationships and usually we won't either", she said sitting down on a stool.

"Alex really is a nice guy he's just a bit of a pervert sometimes", I said honestly.

"He's a man they're all like that", she laughed, "you are free to go whatever you want to honey you've been a grownup since you were very young and I trust you completely to date with caution".

"We're just friends", I told her.

"Regardless you can date freely you're grownup enough to know how much you're ready for it is high school after all", she said shaking her head.

"You were pregnant by the time you were at this time of the year this year", I said eating banana slices.

"I found my soul mate at fifteen", she said pushing my hair behind my ears, "we had a beautiful baby girl two days after graduation and I wouldn't have it any other way".

"Do you think it's safe to date in high school though I've had my heart broken four times already", I said puzzled.

"I say follow your dreams and somewhere along the way you'll find your soul mate", she smiled.

"Derek is making me go out with him on Wednesday", I said playing with my fork.

"I guess that was the case when I saw you guys playing with makeup you really are exploring your opinions this week aren't you Career day is Friday", she laughed.

"Yeah it's busy week but I think I can handle it", I sighed.

"I know you will and you'll sock both guys' socks off", she teased.

"Alex and I are just friends", I repeated.

"I heard you sweetheart but give it a chance and enjoy your dates your father, Teddy and I are going out to a Disney movie tonight then tomorrow we're going out to early supper", she said kissing the top of my head.

"Morning beautiful girls", dad said entering the room followed by a tearful Teddy.

"When are you guys leaving?" I asked looking over at mom who had lost some of the color in her cheeks.

"Next Wednesday but we're bringing both our cell phones and we'll call every day do it'll be like we're still here", she said touching my arm.

"So what region of Greece are you guys headed to?" I asked curiously.

"A region outside Athens it's actually very remote", mom said stroking my hair.

"I want to come you guys promised you would take me this time", Ted complained.

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