Storyteller Chapter 8

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Val’s POV

I got home at midnight and my little brother was fast asleep on the couch with a bag of popcorn and some honey tea. He liked doing this on Saturday nights it was a tradition and I think he also did it to rebel against me. I looked at the TV screen and he had been watching Titanic, my favorite movie. We bugged each other all the time but we loved each other and I knew he missed me when I was away. We’d grown up together while my parents were away and that caused a bond to form between us. I warmed up the honey tea that remained and sat down beside him. I watched the rest of the movie snacking on his popcorn.

When it was over I turned off the lights and the TV. I cleaned everything up and then went back into the living and picked up my brother. I carried him to his room and tucked him into his bed then kissed him on the forehead before closing his door. I had already turned on his Scooby Doo nightlight so he felt safe. I checked in on my parents and they were cuddled up together and had smiles on their faces. I smiled to myself then went to bed and changed into a short black nightie that exposed my underwear slightly but I was at home so I didn’t care.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I rolled around trying to get comfortable and even tried playing some soothing music but I just wasn’t in a sleeping kind of mood. I got up and wrote on my story for awhile but I kept thinking about all the laundry that needed to be done. I laid there for another forty minutes trying to force myself to sleep. “That’s it”, I said getting up at last, “laundry needs doing”. I got up and grabbed the clothes scattered around my room and took them to the laundry room downstairs. I was stuffing stuff into the washer when suddenly one of the pockets started buzzing. “Shit”, I said pulling it out of the pants quickly and accidentally hit the call button, “thank god it buzzed or I would have lost my freaking phone to a washer”.

“Is this a washer as in on a bolt, a car washer or a cleaning clothes kind of washer?” a voice said and I picked up the phone.

“Hello who is this?” I said putting the phone to my ear.

“It’s a surprise”, a deep, silky voice said.

“I see will I like this surprise?” I questioned.

“You might like it depends on your point of view”, he said cheerfully.

“I don’t know at two in the morning I’m very easily surprised”, I said closing the washer.

“Is that so?” he laughed.

“See most people are asleep at this time like in bed”, I said putting the wet clothes in the dryer.

“Bed sounds like a good place”, he said and I knew he was smirking.

“I see you found my number on my profile how long did it take you?” I asked closing the dryer door.

“Awhile actually see I had to figure out the area code and I got a lot of angry people telling me what time it was”, he said casually.

“Sounds like a drag so how is our favorite pervert/stalker?” I said waiting to hear that voice of his again. He may be not my type but his voice was sexy and I wasn’t passing up a chance to flirt with him.

“He’s talking to a very mysterious girl that says her name is Val”, he said obviously looking at my profile.

“I hardly know you so call me Valerie for now”, I said sitting up on the dryer.

“So you’re doing laundry”, he said and I smirked.

“Yeah at two ten in the morning”, I sighed.

“Sitting on the washer or dryer”, he asked.

“Dryer it’s warmer”, I said honestly.

“Well I think the washer is better”, dusktildawn52 said smoothly.

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