Chapter 2: Betrayal Behind Doors

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I forgot about that instance soon enough after I took a nap and woke up, seeming to be completely cured of my hangover and missing all of my memory from the night before. I yawned and hopped out of the bed, deciding that I should at least take my dirty dishes out and was confused to see that they were already gone from the bed stand along with the drained bottle of Gatorade I had downed. I left Liams room to find my own, but when I found it and opened the door I soon wished I hadn't.

Harry and Louis were wrestling on the bed, both only clad in a pair of boxer briefs and their faces were so brutally close I knew I had just ruined a moment for them. I put on a clueless and innocent face and grinned at the boys.

"Wrestling matches on my bed and you guys didn't have the audacity to invite me?!" I said placing a hand on my hip disapprovingly. "No... this just wont do, mates. This will not go without serious repercussions." I narrowed my eyes feeling a bubbly feeling low in my belly, knowing what I was about to do soon.

"Oh no! Lou! Hes making the face! He's gonna blow! Lets get outttt!" Harry screamed once he caught on but it was too late as I stuck my backside into the room and let loose a very noisy and surely a very smelly fart. I quickly shut the door and locked it from the outside making them breathe in my wonderful, glorious bum air.

"Noooo! Please Niall it's too much! " Louis pleaded pounding on the door and trying to yank it open. I heard coughs and choking sounds being elicited from both of the boys. I did my best attempt at a comical evil laugh.

"Muahahahaha! Feel the wrath of the Mullingar Flatulateinator!" I boomed triumphantly.

"Niall what crawls up your bum every day and dies?! I swear your tarts are just vile." Harry hissed and I let them brew in the foul air for a few more minutes before opening the door, making room for them as they came tumbling out and fell on the floor sprawling over one another.

"Air! Sweet, sweet beautiful fresh air! Oh how I've missed you so!" Louis cried out dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on," I said as I carefully avoided stepping on their limbs as I went to enter my room. "it cant be that ba--- oh! " I said pinching my nose and waving a hand in front of my face to blow away the rancid air. This was foul.

"See! Or... err... Smell!" Harry squealed at me as they both tried frantically to run away before the smell that was emanating from my room hit their noses again.

I walked in and couldn't help but feel like I should sterilize every surface in the room. And not because of my fart, but because I didn't know  what those two lads have been up to in here. They weren't exactly a couple... yet. But I planned to try and make things work between them. My suspicions of why they haven't already made things official was because they were scared of what everyone would think of them. When, in reality, Liam, Zayn, and I preferred if they were just together already. They produced more sexual tension between just the two of them than a whole room of hormonal fangirls could ever dream of creating.

I found a pair of jeans on the floor in a crumpled heap and pulled them on after giving them the sniff test. I did the same with a plain white tee and pulled it on. The way it was slightly loose on my body told me it was either Liam's or Louis'. It didn't matter to me whose it was since we all basically helped ourselves to each others clothing anyway. But we all had our special items that were off limits to the others. Louis' were his suspenders, Zayn's were his varsity jackets, Harry's were his blazers, Liam's were his flannels and mines were my snap-backs.

I  pranced out of my room happily and down the hallway but I paused at an open door. I heard muffled voices from within and my curiosity got the better of me as I pressed my ear up against the slightly ajar door, making sure nobody within could see me.

"... hard to admit." The first voice said and I recognized it to be Zayn's. It was thick from sleep but held no noticeable trace of irritation which usually tainted his tone whenever his voice was still thick with drowsiness. Which meant whatever this conversation about must be important and meaningful and I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty at eavesdropping on this. I was about to pull away when the next voice spoke and my ear was instantly glued to the door again. Oh man, I was a horrible person.

"But... there's nothing to admit... Right? I mean, there shouldn't be. I think I'm just really confused right now and maybe this tour is taking its toll on my emotions and playing with me." That voice I instantly recognized as Liam's. He sighed audibly, obviously troubled and I felt a small twang of hurt that he hadn't came to me with his problem. I always came to him with mine, what made him think that I wouldn't be able to listen to his? Was I not good enough? Did he think of me as too immature?

"Maybe, but maybe not. We always feel things for a reason. Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something." Zayns voice interrupted my angry thoughts.

What's wrong with Liam. I thought and began to feel very concerned for my best mate. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind me had me jumping straight up and I swear my head grazed the ceiling! I turned to see a very disapproving Louis and I gave a small, nervous smile.

"I was just heading in to see if... uhm." I trailed off not knowing how to finish that lie. Louis crossed his arms.

"Mmhmm. Sure." He said obviously not believing a word I said.

I dipped my head down to look at the floor, thoroughly embarrassed with myself, and tried to slip past Louis to escape this whole thing but he placed a firm hand on my shoulder. I looked up to find him struggling to figure out what to say. An unfamiliar emotion flitted across his face but it was gone almost quicker than it had come. He cleared his throat.

"You know... Sometimes things are better left unheard, especially if they're not meant for your ears." He said finally. Was it just me or did he look a little... hurt, a little...defeated?

Before I could reply he stalked off and left me gaping in the hallway utterly confused and lost for the second time today.   _________________________________*_________________________________

  So there it is, the second chapter.

Hey it's a 2-in-1 special today! >.<   Cause, you know... two chapters in one day... Get the pun?  

*Louis smacks Harry in the balls* "That's your worst one yet!"   Hardy Har... Oh Adventurous Adventures of One Direction... 

Anyway I'd just like to say that you shouls REALLY REALLY check out my collaboration with @1DhiLARRYous, it's a bunch of Niam & Larry One-Shots & I'm just so psyched that it got almost 600 views already!!! So please give it a go?  

Okay well, A hui hou!  

Forever & Always <3  


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