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So, this waaaas gonna be in the last chapter but I wanted to sortof leave a baby cliffy. I cut this out but I decided to post it anyways (; Do you love me now? No?!? Well, hmmph. I'm sad now.

Let me just say, even if you don't love me I still love you! :D What did you say? I'm creepy?!? Well on that note then... THANKS! Hahahaharrrr.

Ummm yeah, go read & I'll post Chapter 5 in like, 5 minutes x)




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I sat in the hospital right beside Niall listening to the beeping and whirring of all the weird machines that were hooked up to him. The other boys were back in our hotel getting rest but I refused to leave Niall's side. Zayn was the last to leave the hospital, nearly two hours ago.

There were a few tests done on Niall but the doctors hadn't come back with the results yet and the waiting was killing me. I wanted to know what was wrong with Niall and I wanted to know now. My mind was whirling with a million thoughts but there was one that stood out the most. Whatever was wrong with Niall I would do absolutely anything to fix.

I loved Niall. Sure, I love all the boys but this was different. I loved Niall as more than a friend. I'm not completely sure when my feelings took on this particular view but it did. I was always a closet gay. The only people in the entire world who knew were my family and Zayn. I had been deathly afraid of coming out because as a kid I was bullied and being gay, if anyone knew, I couldnt help but feel that it would only get worse. So I kept that as my dirty little secret.

I stretched out on the chair and scrolled through my Twitter Stream. The fans were going crazy with worry. I gave a sour snort. If only they knew... I retweeted a few girls who were giving me their 'condolences' and decided to check the trends. I couldn't supress the small chuckle and smile when I did. Man our girls were just crazy.





A tear slipped out of my eye and I put my phone down. I yawned and stretched my tired limbs as sleep slowly began to take over my conciousness. My last thoughts were, 'Niall, please be okay.'

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