Chapter 11: All Thats Dead and Gone

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Last chapter guys~

I am so absolutely sad that I'm ending it ): but its a good thing I have another fiction to work on! My Dirty Little Secrets one! <3 Its a Josh Devine... I think I will also be starting a Nosh <3 

Ugh I am sooo depressed I am tearing up abput ending it. ItS LIKE I JUST BIRTHED A BABY OK?! A NIAM BABY~

Please enjoy as I finish this off......


- "Kae"

**Dedicated to DaydreamingOfLife because she is so amazing!! (shes writing a fanfiction that im giving her some help on (: )


(C) All Rights Reserved

I slowly opened my eyes to my bright hospital room, in exactly the same way I've been since I was put under for the surgery. I began wondering if I even went through anything and instead they were waiting a little bit to really give my the surgery.

I shifted slightly and was shocked with a slight burning pain in my back that was much like the pain I had when they removed my other kidney and that was when I was assured that I had, in fact, gone through surgery. I smiled, relieved that I would be getting better now and I could finally have my life revert back to normal.

Or well, somewhat normal.

There was still the issue of having to come out with Liam about our new relationship. That thought brought a smile to my face and warm, airy flutters in my stomach. Liam, my little puppydog and I were going to be together. I can't believe it. 

If you told me say, 2 months ago that I was going to go through 2 major surgeries and have a relationship with my BEST FRIEND I would have laughed and told you to get off whatever drug you were on. Because just a measly 2 months ago, or even 1 month ago, I didnt even know I was gay.

Speaking about gay, and my boyfriend, I began to wonder where the hell he was at right now. I expected him to be here when I woke up, he has been by my side literally 24/7 for the past few weeks so why wasnt he here now?

He was probably getting me breakfast or something... He was always so thoughtful like that. As the bubbly and fluffy thoughts floated thrugh my mind I finally noticed the big teddybear and notecard on my table beside me. I grinned and opened the pretty card to read Liams familiar handwriting on the inside.

Hey Ni,

I'm so sorry that I'm not able to be there for you when you wake up. I hope you won't be mad. No matter what happens I'll always love you Nialler, forever and always~

-Liam xx

When I finished reading I felt a tad bit confused at the weird tone he had in the note. I heard a soft knock and looked up to see Zayn, his hair as perfect as always and hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey, Mate." I said cheerfully, remembering how I was rude to him lately.

He took a few tentative steps in and leaned against the wall, looking at me with a sad expression. I just now noticed the red rims around his eyes and the slight pinkish tone of the tip of his nose. He had obviously been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned.

He shrugged and bit his lip, staring hard at a spot on the floor. We sat there in a silence for quite a while, him not ready to talk and me not wanting to force him into it. I was beginning to worry about the lad now, he almost never cried and when he did, we all knew it was for a damn good reason.

He cleared his throat and looked to me, forcing a smile on his face. "How are you feeling, bud?"

"I'm amazing. Hey listen, Zayn, I feel really bad about how I've been treating you. I know I've been really snappy and you didnt deserve it--"

"No, Niall I understand, it's okay." he said quietly, cutting me off.

I shut my mouth and nodded, not knowing what to say after that.

"I love him too, you know." he started in a soft, breathy voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him hard, trying to figure out who he meant but having this feeling that I already knew.

" What are you talking about, Zayn? Wait, where is Liam?!?" Surprisingly, I want in the slightest angry about Zayn loving Liam... Because I knew that Liam only loved me.

Zayns head snapped up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"They still didn't tell you who the donor was?"


Yes, I know I'm leaving some loose ends. The Epilogue will tie that all up. Epilogue will probably be posted later tonight <3

Thinking of perhaps making a sequel?

LMK what you think and please Vote/ Comment.

Love you all~


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