Chapter 1: The Hangover

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What Is Up My Lovelies?

It's me, "Kae" (Obviously) Hardy Har Har.

Sooo I've actually been working on this 'MediFic' ( I say that because it's longer than a minific yet shorter than a normal fanfiction so thus, BOOM BAM! Medific.) Oh what was I saying? Oh, yeah. I've been working on this for a while & managed to get just about halfway through it. I hope to be finished with this & post it all completely by maybe the end of the month?

I'm actually posting this sooner than I thought I would have. So.. Yeah. Obviously my life is boring.

Anyway, Without further a flippin doozy


Forever & Always<3


P.s.- Yeah, Idk why I wrote that TEEHEE! *runs away screaming maniacally*


(C) All Rights Reserved

I don't know how I ended up here laying in a strange yet familiar bed. I lay staring at the ceiling that was not mine and furrowed my brow. What had happened last night? Where was I?

I sat up slowly, my head pounding painfully as I did so and I scanned my surroundings. The room was well kept and tidy but bare. Nothing personal in it to give the room character. Was I in a hotel? And if so, was I alone? Where were the boys? My thoughts began to wander  off creatively and conjured up a tale much like the Hangover, One Direction edition.

Liam is stuck on the roof and Louis lost a tooth, oh and Harry was the ditsy fat guy and Zayn, of course, was the conceited douche guy. Louis accidentally got married and Harry is caring for the woman's baby right now teaching the kid how to flip the bird and--

My daydream was rudely interrupted by the sound of the door opening and was greeted by the sight of Liam, who --much to my disdain -- wasn't stuck on the roof. He smiled at me. "Morning sleepy head. Hows your head? Still hanging I bet." His cheerful voice set alarms off in my head and I cringed at how very painful it was.

"Leave me alone!" I groaned and lay back down throwing a pillow over my head to try to staunch the ringing in my ears and wasn't all that surprised to discover the ringing was in my head and not on the outside. Nevertheless it was still just as shrill and dissettling .

"Oh no you don't!" Liam said and wrestled the pillow off my head. Well, it wasn't like I could give that much of a fight considering my weakened position but I still tried. When I peered at him through one slitted eye I saw him hovering over me with a triumphant look on his face. I rolled my eye at him.

"What do you want?!" I grumbled, more than slightly irked that he had taken to yanking the covers off of me exposing my nearly naked body save for a pair of boxers. Now if was Liam's turn to groan and grumble.

"Really, Niall? You couldn't have the decency to atleast put pants on when you crawled into my bed? No wonder why I kept feeling cold, furry limbs on me! Oh, by the way... you're a sleep cuddler. " Liam smirked. "Danielle won't be too happy with you."

I managed to laugh a bit but winced at the immediate headache it brought on. "This is your room? Hmm. No wonder it's so... plain."

Liam gasped in mock offence. "You take that back!"

I laughed again and tried to ignore the headache. " Bring me some Gatorade and a bowl of fruity pebbles and I'll consider it."

Liam bounced off the bed, happy to do whatever it took to make one of his boys feel better and get back into ship-shape. I smiled softly at that. Liam was so selfless sometimes, so mindful and aware of everyones well being.

I pulled the cover back over my shivering, exposed white flesh that seemed even paler in contrast to the deep maroon bedding. Sometimes that really irritated me, how I was the palest in the whole group and while everyone got tans in the sun I burnt and turned redder than a tomato. No amount of screaming, adoring fans could take that small insecurity away from me.

Liam flounced into the room with a bottle of my favorite flavor of Gatorade and a heaping bowl of fruity pebbles. I wonder if this really worked? He set the bowl down on the bedside table and I took the bottle from his hands taking a big gulp. He held his hand out with two white pills sitting in the middle of his large palm.

"Aspirin," he explained and I swallowed the pills gratefully. I sat up to begin shoveling cereal down and noticed he had put a fork in the bowl instead of a spoon. I raised an eyebrow at him. This would never get old for me.

"You know, touching the spoon wouldn't hurt you." I mumbled between bites.

Liam scoffed. "I dont care, I refuse to willingly touch a spoon. I absolutely refuse." He crossed his arms with a finality that made me smirk, I already felt a bit better with something in my stomach and with the aspirin starting to work.

Someone barged in to the room startling both me and Liam. It was a dissheveled Harry, curls particularly obnoxious and he was completely stark naked. Neither of us questioned it, we've come to get used to seeing Harry naked which seemed to be a state we saw him in more often than clothed.

"Oh... err... I thought this was... mm.. never mind." He said wrinkling his brows together and walking out.

"Nice bum!" I called out after him and chuckled into my bowl. I noticed it was quite silent and looked up to see Liam staring at me with a funny look controlling his features. He shook his head when he noticed me looking back at him and stood abruptly. He seemed slightly embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck looking uncharacteristically unsure of himself and I found it quite adorable... Wait, adorable?!

"Uhmm, so... get better and rest because tomorrow we're headed out again." He said hastily and made a quick and awkward exit. Leaving me worried, lost, and very much confused.


Sorry for the shortness. But then again... Sometime people love a good quickie. :P BWAHAHAHA Take that in whatever way you want. Okay, Hope you liked it. And maybe, just maybe I'll post the next chappie in a few hours.

Okay, So I kinda don't like when people ask for Votes/Comments/Fans but I just wanna say I REALLY DO APPRECIATE THEM! So, I'm not going to ask... I just wanna encourage it. (:

OKAY Have Yalls a Lovely Day! (I'm at work so I know I'm not gonna! -____-)

Mahalo Nui Loa My Darling Squishies. <3

Oh the song is just an awesome song.. Kinda sortah doesn't have anything to do with the chapter. But enjoy.

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