Chapter 5: News

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Trololol it's "Kae"

OMGIZZLE I'm soescited for the over 100 reads and 9 votes! YALLS MAKE ME A HAPPY LITTLE FANGIRL! :'D

Hehe. Evern notice how my Authors notes are really pointless? Yeah, me too. Is it irritating? Well, I DONT CARE. Omg, i'm sorry that's a lie I really do care AAAHHH Don't hate me!

Umm so yeah, just sitting here at work SHIT I HAVE TO GO. I actually have work to do at work today. >.< Shoot me now.

Toodaloo Motherfluffaaaa...


(C) All Rights Reserved

I woke up for the second time in the past 3 days in a place that I was strange yet oddly familiar. Except, this time it wasn't a room. Not exactly anyway.

  I shot up in the bed and winced as I felt something being tugged on in my right arm. I looked behind be and saw that I was connected to several different machines and a needle was stuck in my arm, connected to an IV. Slowly the memories of what had happened trickled into my brain and I groaned. Ahh, shit. I was in the hospital. I looked around my hospital room and squeaked at the sight of a very dissheveled Liam snoring softly on the chair next to my bed.

  His curly hair was unkempt and covering his forehead and I smirked. As soon as my fingers grazed his forehead to brush the stray strands away his eyes flew open and he shot up, making me jump in surprise. His haggard appearance made him look much like a homeless man and I couldn't help but laugh at that. His worried expression was soon glazed over by a look of relief and he sighed heavily.  

"Nialler, you're alright." he said so softly I almost couldn't hear it.  

I shrugged. "I told you it wasn't really anything. I was just kinda tired is all." I tried to chuckle it off but he just shook his head at me, crossing his arms sternly.  

"No, Niall. You weren't only tired & it wasn't only a stomach cramp. Last time I checked, stomach cramps don't make you faint."   There was a hard seriousness in his eyes that I haven't seen before and it really confused me. Why was he taking this so... personally? I mean, I'm awake aren't I? The pain wasn't unbearable anymore. So.. I must be doing fine. Right?  

Liam sighed and sat back in the chair rubbing his temples, scrunching his eyes shut. There was a few moments of silence before he said something again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just really worried."  

I nodded and looked at the wall opposite me which had a small telly mounted up onto it. For some reason I was feeling kind of awkward with Liam here. I thought of how he had gone to Zayn instead of me, the weird emotions his eyes held before we got onto the stage and now, he must have sat there with me all night. But why? I couldn't piece anything together and I was giving myself a minor headache trying to make any sense of it all. I mean, sure he was Liam, the worst worry wart of us all but I had never expected him to be by any of our sides the entire night if any of us had gone to the hospital.  

"Uhmm.. Where are the other guys?" I asked finally, trying to get my mind off the matter before I gave myself an embolism.  

"At the hotel," he checked his watch. "they should be here soon."  

I nodded and then cleared my throat as the awkwardness seemed to thicken and drape itself heavily over me like a soggy blanket.  

"How are you feeling?" he asked me. His words like a knife and cutting the tension a bit and I instantly relaxed.  

"I'm doing actually pretty good. I don't hurt anymore... I'm serious! Cross my heart and hope to never eat Nandos again!" I added that last part when he shot me a skeptical gaze. He seemed to believe me because he knows I take my Nandos seriously. I would never swear upon my Nandos unless I knew I was telling the darn truth.  

"That's good. I think I should go tell the nurse that you're awake now. So, hold on." he got up and left the room leaving me in silence.  

He reappeared a little while later with a nurse who bustled about me recording things on her clipboard and adding another bag of mysterious liquid to the I.V. I assumed that it must be painkillers since I had noticed as time went by my pain would become a little more severe. I knew that my assumptions were correct once my pain began to subside more after a minute. The nurse asked me if there was anything I needed and I declined.  

"Okay. Well, Dr.Murs will be in with the results from your tests soon. Please don't hesitate to call for me if you need any assistance" she winked at me and left the room.  

Was it just me or was she trying to hit on me? I thought then shrugged, deciding it wasn't worth much more thought considering I wasn't interested. When I turned to Liam he was rigid and looked a bit upset. I furrowed my brows and put a hand on his forearm.  

"Aye, mate, what's troubling you?" I asked and as soon as I did he instantly seemed to melt back in to his normal self and flashed a brilliant smile at me.  

"Nothing, Nialler. I'm fine. Just thought about something unpleasant--" he was cut off when his phone rang and he answered it.  

"Hello?...Oh hey, Zayn..."  

I frowned when I realized that Zayn had called him, feeling a bit jealous for an inexplicable reason. My train of thought traveled back to the memory of Liam and Zayn but I quickly snapped out of that sour trance when I noticed Liam was trying to get my attention.

  "Whaa-- Huh?" I asked slightly befuddled.  

" I said the boys are on their way up. I have to go back to the hotel and take a shower so..." he trailed off nervously and wrung his hands, Looking out the window before saying anything again. " Umm, I can stay here if you want, until they come."  

I laughed and pat his arm assuringly. "Liam, I'm not a baby, go ahead! You seem like you need more help that I do right now." I smiled at him and he returned it, his eyes crinkling at the corners slightly making something bubble in my stomach. And no, itwas not a fart building up... Or maybe...  


 I stand corrected. It was a fart.  

Liam's face contorted into one of repulsion and he pinched his nose. "Okay Niall! I get it! I'll be baaaack!" he shouted as he ran out of the room and I laughed at him.  

It took the boys only five minutes after that to come in to my room. Louis was first, he stuck his nose in the air and gave a tentative sniff and wrinkled it.  

"Oh man, please don't tell me you're gassy. Because if you are I'm outta here!" he whined but was smiling teasingly.  

I shrugged. "I don't know, why don't you stick around and find out?" I grinned cheekily.  

"That's nasty." Harry said trailing in after Louis and sitting shamelessly right on top of the Doncaster man's lap. I smiled inwardly at that and when I went to observe Louis face he seemed genuinely happy but a little... upset? I mad a mental note to talk to Louis about it later.  

I hadn't noticed Zayn's entrance since I was so enamoured by the other two lads different behavior. I felt a small pang of jealousy and irritation at the sight of him. I admit it was a bit childish but I honestly couldn't help it.  

"So, how have you been doing?" he asked and I shrugged.  

"I'm better, alright." I said curtly and Zayn looked hurt. I felt bad but I really don't know what was wrong with me.  

Suddenly the doctor strolled in, he was a build man with sandy colored hair and a kind, handsome face. But what really got to me was his expression, yeah it wasn't an expression you really want your doctor to have when he comes in with news for you.  

"What is it, doc?" Louis asked.  

He frowned and hesitated a bit before answering.   "I have bad news."


Okay so, I told myself I wouldn't do this but I'm at the point to where I'm just like " Who gives a flaming fuck?" (pardon my French)

So please comment and vote? I've only written up to the next chappie so I prolly won't post till I write more...


Toodles (;

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