Chapter 6: Shit Just Got Real

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I canʻt right now... I just canʻt. I have to, I have to go or Iʻll just start.....


OK, bye.

Toodaloo Motherfuckers.



Those words made my heart plummet straight to the floor and my stomach lodged itself into my throat making any form of speech impossible. All three of the boys were gaping at the doctor incredulously and the worry was clear on their features.

"Well, what the hell is it?" Harry shot out his voice raised a full octave higher than his usual tone.

Dr. Murs looked between the lads and myself then shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't tell you unless Mr. Horan gives the okay for you to be present."

They looked at me expectantly, as if it were obvious that my answer would be yes. But, I was slowly becoming unsure of whether I wanted them in the room at that time or not. I mean, sure I love their company and maybe having them in the room while hearing potentially shocking bad news could soften the blow a bit but... I didn't want them to worry and I didn't want them to overreact to the situation. And I most definately wouldn't want them to tell Liam because only the Lord knows how he would react to any fragment of information even suggesting that I was not doing alright.

"I... Lads, I kind of want to find out alone." I said softly, hoping that I wouldn't hurt any of their feelings.

At their bruised reactions I knew that I had failed to save their feelings from taking a blow and I felt guilty. "It's not that I don't want you here. It's just... I'd like to hear it first before I tell you. I don't want you to worry." I added to try and justify my request.

Louis nodded solemnly and walked out with Harry and Zayn silently turned to follow them out but something binged its way into my head and I stopped him. He turned to look at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Zayn... Can you-- Can you not tell Liam about this? Not yet anyway. I want to tell him myself if need be." I bit my lip, my voice came out weaker than I had expected and I was praying to God that Zayn would understand.

The older boy nodded, understanding reflected back at me from his eyes and he walked out of the room leaving me alone with the doctor. The room took on a dismal air and it began to scare me a bit as I waited in apprehension for the doctor to enlighten me on this predicament.

"So, Niall. We ran some tests the other day, took a few X-rays and... Well," he shuffled through some papers on a clipboard squinting at the information that was recorded on it and he frowned obviously unsettled at what he was reading. This, as you can imagine, was clearly not helping my nerves.

"we have come to the conclusion that you have contracted a very severe kidney cancer. You've developed two malignant tumors on both of your kidnesy which is something I haven't actually seen in my whole career as a doctor..."

The rest of his words were lost to me as my heart began pounding in my chest painfully. My throat felt constricted and I began to hyperventilate as I panicked. How the flaming fuck did I get kidney cancer? Oh my God.

"... we are working on finding you an organ donor for the kidney transplant you need. But for the time being you will have to remain in the hospital for further analysis and treatment. I will have the nurse come in to hook you up to some antibiotics and more morphine. Have you contacted your parents yet?"  he finished and I snapped back to attention.

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