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Big thanks to beyoutiful1D for the amazing cover <3 Check her fanfic out guys!



(C) All Rights Reserved

A Few Weeks Later

It was hard living life without Liam, trust me, there were a few times where I didnt think I would handle making it through life without him. But there were always two things that gave me the strength to pull through. First, was the thought that if I took my life, then Liams sacrifice would have totally been in vain and I did not want to disrespect him like that. The second reason was, well, Zayn.

Surprisingly, the one person who should be the most upset with me was actually the one person who has been there for me the most these past few, challenging weeks.

Turns out, I wasnt the only one who loved Liam in a romantic way, Zayn did too. He told me how it hurt him to know that he could never be with Liam in any way because even if he were still alive, he would be with me. But he accepted that, he wanted Liam to be happy and if Zayn couldn't offer that happiness to him then he was glad somebody else could.

At Liams funeral, I couldnt handle being in the mortuary or view the burial, I couldnt deal with the fact that I was the reason he was only a lifeless shell of what he once used to be. Zayn stayed by my side the entire time and held me when painful fits of sobbing took hold of my body. Zayn visited my flat each night to make sure I showered and ate, then make sure I went to sleep, and on the nights I couldnt he stayed up with me as we watched Toy Story over and over again.

I guess one good thing happened in the time after we lost Liam... It gave Louis the courage to come out to all of us... And Harry too. But they still denied that they loved eachother... I think theyre just as afraid as I was to accept that I loved Liam. 

I don't know what will happen now that I dont have Liam, but I will never stop loving him... But theres just one big thing bothering me right now and completely leaving me befuddled.

What about Zayn?

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