Chapter 10: Safe and Sound

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It has been about a day since my last episode. I was getting sicker and sicker, and Liam and I have been spending alot of time together. Every damn second to be exact. I donʻt know what it was but he seemed a bit different... I dont know... reserved. He kept giving me these odd looks whenever he thought I wasnt paying attention, but I was. As a matter of fact, today everyone regarded me the same way as he was.

It scared me.

Well, my time was ticking and I guess that was why they acted like that. Dr.Murs did inform me that they only estimated I had about 48 hours to well, LIVE. Which now scrubbed down to a measly 24 hours. You donʻt know how bad I wish I could say that they were wrong and I felt as if I could last longer but I really cant. I could barely talk, movement was way to painful, eating repulsed me, and I had to do my buisness in a fucking pan. How degrading was that?

In the middle of my self-piteous thoughts I hadnt noticed that Dr. Murs, or Olly as he now suggested I call him, entered the room and was talking to Liam in hushed tones. They continued conversating for a good 10 minutes when one of them finally decided to include me in anything. Not that I felt excluded anyway, I wouldnt really be able to respond without straining myself.

"Well, Niall, I have some very, very good news." Olly said, smiling.

I glanced from his face to Liamʻs. Liam seemed very happy too, he was grinning and eyes were sparkling a bit but I dont know... There was something...

"We have found a compatible donor for you."

Oh. My. Nandos. They found a donor? I was so happy and elated and relieved. I was going to live now!

They found a donor for me and I was going to live! 

I was so dead-set on having to well, die. I never thought that they would find me a donor. I had given up hope already, honestly. I managed to even accept that death was a very likely possibility. I was comfortable with it. I began to welcome it.

But, now I have a donor. A second chance at life. A second chance at love...

This brought my attention back to Liam who seemed to be crying tears of joy. He leaned over and pressed his warm, soft lips to my own unresponsive ones. 

And then, a tear ran down my cheek.

I felt the love he had for me in that sweet kiss. And I loved him back. I absolutely and completely loved him. And nothing would ever change that.

Once he pulled back both of us looked to Olly again. "So, when will Niall be going into surgery?" Liam asked nervously.

"Soon, most likely in the next 6 hours."


5 hours later

Everyone was crowded into my room, all happy and excited. Zayn seemed to be the only one that had a hint of any glum feelings. But then again, he always had a brooding sort of expression.

I was giddy and nervous, I was to be going into surgery in under an hour... 

Liam sat next to me holding my hand while my family and all the boys spoke happily to eachother and to Olly. He was a pretty easygoing man, to be honest.

I wanted to know who this donor was but they remained anonymous. Dr. Murs said he couldnʻt tell me, even though he knew I deserved to know. I just hoped it wasnt one of my wonderful fans. I wouldnt want them to have to do something like that for me. But if it was I would make sure to thank them all and let them know how much I absolutely love them.

Olly cleared his throat and the room went quiet in the matter of seconds. "Iʻm afraid you all have to say your last goodbyes while we prepare Niall for his surgery."

They all nodded their understanding and I got lots of kisses and pats and soft ʻI love you Niallʻs. Liam pressed a kiss to my lips and gave a tender squeeze to my hand and was about to leave but I managed to tighten my grip on his enough to make him hesitate and look at me with his concerned, brown puppy-dog eyes.

"Iʻm scared, Lili." I rasped.

Liam sat back down and faced the team of nurses and Olly. "Can I just have a few more moments?"

"Yes, but we have to give him the anesthesia now." Olly said and Liam nodded his understanding.

I watched as they inserted a liquid into my I.V. and then left the room. Liam looked back to me sullenly but managed a smile. "Whatʻs up, Nialler?"

"Iʻm...just... scared." I squeaked out and Liam nodded.

"How about I sing you a song until you go to sleep?" he said sweetly to which I nodded. I always love him singing. He had a perfect voice. Honestly, I thought his was the best out of all of ours.

He cleared his throat and began to sing softly,

"I remember tears streaming down your face 

when I said Iʻll never let you go..."

I shut my eyes and felt as if I were floating on his words. As if they were soft cotton candy clouds and I was laying on one.

" When all those shadows almost killed your light...

I remember you said donʻt leave me here alone,

But all thatʻs dead and gone and passed tonight."

I heard small tremors in his voice that he only got when he was near tears. I was slowly going under again but was trying hard to stay awake just to listen to his voice...

"Just close your eyes

The sun is going down,

Youʻll be alright.

Noone can hurt you now..."

I felt a tear burning a hot trail down my cheek as I continued to struggle to stay awake. I loved Liam, his voice was so beautiful... He was so sweet.

"Come morning light..."

I couldnt wait to see him when I got up and weʻd be together forever...

"You and Iʻll be safe... and... sound."

We would be safe and sound. And together forever...


OMG, so howʻd you like it?

I have a school dance tomorrow guys ^.^

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH< so please comment and vote.

Next chapter will be the last and then the Epilogue...



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