Chapter 8: Taking the Plunge

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So I'm so sorry to all those people I kept telling that I'd update soon and I never really got around to it D: I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY...

This might be a short little chapter, IDK how much I will write. It's 12:09 AM...

OH, Check out 1DHallOfFame and see if you wanna vote or nominate people for Author of the Week or Fannys fro Fanfiction of the Week... (It's run by me and Kay... Kay is the friend I write my OneShots with)

I'm super tired so please excuse typos...



(C) All Rights Reserved

When those words left my mouth I knew for certain that they were true. I felt a warm fuzzy feeling at the bottom of my heart and it spread throughout my body. Liam was staring at me shocked with his cute puppydog brown eyes widened and his mouth opened into a perfect "o"

I felt a smile spread across my face, my braces in full view as I looked up at the man I loved. Oh wow, that felt good to think and to know for sure that I really meant it. For once I wasnt so confused about something. 

Then Liams face smoothed over from shock into pure happiness as he smilled dazzlingly at me and took my hand inhis larger ones. "You love me, Niall? You really do?" he asked his voice wavering between uncertainty and excited nervousness.

I nodded and have his hand a squeeze then on an impulse pulled him into the hospital bed with me and smiled at him, our faces inches apart as he toppled right onto my body. "Of course I love you. Have you ever heard of an Irish man lying?" I teased.

He tapped his chin putting a contemplative expression on his face. "Hmm, actually. I have." he said chuckling and I laughed and leaned my face twoards his so we rested out foreheads together. We looked into eachothers eyes and I smiled even wider. this felt so rigt, it felt so normal and yet it was a completely new experience. 

"Well, how about this to prove I love you?" I said and pressed my lips to his softly.

At first all he did was gasp softly which made me smile. Then he melted into the kiss and we wrapped our arms around eachother, our lips moving together in perfect sync. My body fit so well into his, it were as if we were once a whole and were split apart but now we are brought together to be one again.

Okay, that was cheesy I know, but whatever.

His lips were like warm honey against mine and my whole body shivered at the tiny electric ripples I got  at  each peck he gave me or little nip on my bottom lip. My pulse began to race and I felt a bit lightheaded and my blood was racing in my veins.  I was feeling a rush and my skin began to flush at our contact with eachother.

I had thought that it was only because of the passionate kisses we were sharing but then my pleasure was soon turning into pain. My head was throbbing and my back was acheing. I groaned in pain and Liam instantly shot up. "What's wrong?!" he asked worriedly and climbed off. 

"Was I hurting you?" he asked as his gaze raked over my body to check for any visible or physical evidence of what was causing my pain.

I shook my head weakly as I scrinched my eyes up as the blood roared through my ears, my back was throbbing painfully and my heart was getting faster. I could hear the irritating rapid mechanical beeping of the EKG.

"Niall, Niall.... NIALL whats wrong?" Liam asked panicked.

I didn't reply, I couldn't. My mouth wouldnt work. In fact, my whole body was unresponsive. I was fading in and out of conciousnees, hearing the beeping raising its speed each time. Liam was frantically trying to get someone in here and I tried to tell him I was okay even though it was painfully obvious that nothing was.

It felt like in a matter of seconds 5 nurses and Dr.Murs had came in amd were bustling about trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

"BP is raising to dangerous levels, Heart rate is also increasing." a nurse read out.

"LET ME SEE NIALL." Liam shouted and I could hear him trying to wrestle with some nurses.

I don't know what happened next but I heard the beeping cease and I was plunged into a dark, black abyss.


Sorry for the shortness but I tried incorporating a little fluff into it.

I was wathing Janoskians and videochatting with my friend :ppppp




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