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DAY 21
( Saturday)

Day break, I woke up still tired . Yesterday was so hectic and I've not really had enough rest for sometime now . Today was a free day and it being a weekend I had sometime to rest .
I woke up still disturbed and thinking about yesterday's incident , "could it be that she was sacked from job or she lost a family member or she's pregnant and not ready for a baby " . I realized I was thinking alot about what happened and it wasn't good . I didn't even know the person and I was getting obsessed over her already. I decided to go to the seaside and draw something. I got up , did all the necessary stuff and left home . I got to the seaside, I was thinking alot , I couldn't even draw . I was praying God keeps this mystery girl safe. I was trying hard to draw something but I couldn't . I didn't know what to draw . I was walking around and moving from one place to another at the seaside, thinking and imagining things. I was playing at the edges of the sea . When I saw a beautiful girl , she looked very much like the mystery girl from yesterday, she was sitting quite far so I was contemplating whether it was her or not .

 When I saw a beautiful girl , she looked very much like the mystery girl from yesterday, she was sitting quite far so I was contemplating whether it was her or not

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I got closed and realized she was the one . I waved at her, she didn't mind , I sat next to her , she didn't mind . Then I said "no situation is permanent " that was the only thing I said . She didn't utter a word for sometime, then she broke the silence and said "I never thought he'd do this to me, he said he'd be with me forever he said he'd never leave me alone but he lied " . I had an idea of all what this was about but I wanted to be sure , so I asked "did he die?" , tears were flowing from her eyes down her cheeks, then she said "no , that would have been better , he left me for another woman . He's getting married tomorrow, he played me all this while and I never realized, I feel like committing suicide" I was shocked and said , "committing suicide should never be an option, you don't know the plans God has for , maybe he's not worth you , you're very beautiful lady and you need to relax it's not the end of the world, Love would locate you ." She looked at me and she said "you talk with alot of maturity, who are you ?" One thing I didn't like is giving my identity out to strangers, I told her I'd tell her later , I managed to convince her to stop crying, I said many positive and encouraging words to her she was very attentive . I was very glad . I told her to tell me about her , she told me everything about her , her name was Benedicta but she told me to call her Efua , she showed me where she lived , she apologized for being rude yesterday, I told her I understood, and that everyone can't be happy everytime , it turn out she had alot of stories to tell and I was a good listener so we were getting along easily . I advised her and she was glad. Now she was asking alot of questions about me , I kept answering , she was shocked at what my parents were doing and why I had so much hope . Then I told her one of my favourite quotes "my hope in God is like the sea water , it never finishes " she was amazed . I ask a question then she'd also ask,then she asked about my birthday I said it was 21st April, she shouted, I was thinking she was the same date too , but she asked me if I knew to today's date I said no , I know it's April but I didn't know the date , she brought her phone out and showed me the date, before I realized it was even my birthday, she wished me and I told her , I didn't have any Idea of it but I thanked her very much because she was the only one who wished me that day . She suggested we go somewhere , she'd pay me for my petrol. We could go anywhere; she said . I told her the car wasn't mine , It was for a friend who traveled and he told me to use it . She was quite surprised , I explained further and she still wanted to take me somewhere but I kept declining and she was insisting , I had to give in. I didn't have any option, she took me to this restaurant and we ate , she was laughing at me because of the way I was eating but she thought me and we got along cool . I noticed she was very happy as compared to yesterday and I was glad . It was getting late and I had to run back home . I told her I had to go home , she had no problem, she picked a taxi I waved her goodbye and she shouted whiles her car was leaving, that she didn't get my name or my number. I didn't have a phone so I told her I'd see her later , then I run off. She was quite surprised but I had no option. I found my way home . I was glad atleast I met her again and she was happy. I managed to put a smile on her face , that was all I was asking for . I took my bath , said a word of prayer and slept.

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