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cherylbombshell: i have nudes for you baby.
sent : 5:30am

tonitopaz: hello please may you return cheryl's phone because this clearly isn't her.
sent : 5:31am

cherylbombshell: okay april fools jokes don't go too well with you then.
sent : 5:31am

tonitopaz: ahaha sorry babe. but anyways good morning, why are you awake so early fUCK.
sent : 5:31am

cherylbombshell: good morning toppppppppaazjkasjh
sent : 5:31am

tonitopaz: uhh cheryl? are you okay?
sent : 5:32am

cherylbombshell: sorry i was falling asleep in the middle of texting you.
sent : 5:32am

tonitopaz: wow am i really that boring?
sent : 5:32am

cherylbombshell: well i was falling asleep because of lack of sleep but i mean those were your words not mine HA.
sent : 5:32am

tonitopaz: and here i was about to say it was cute that you fell asleep while texting me, i guess i'll just keep my compliments to myself then.
sent : 5:33am

cherylbombshell: shut up topaz.
sent : 5:33am

tonitopaz: i think i worked out why you never call me by my first name.
sent : 5:34am

cherylbombshell: hm?
sent : 5:35am

tonitopaz: it's because when we finally have amazing sex in the future you're saving my name to scream while i'm making you cum.
sent : 5:35am

cherylbombshell: OMG TONI
sent : 5:35am

tonitopaz: yes exactly like that ;)
sent : 5:36am

cherylbomshell: it's too early for this.
sent : 5:36am

tonitopaz: you called me by my first name tho so i win.
sent : 5:36am

cherylbombshell: i've gotta go soon because i have class
sent : 5:36am

tonitopaz: when's your first class?
sent : 5:37am

cherylbombshell: at 7
sent : 5:37am

tonitopaz: you have like 2 HOURS
sent : 5:37am

cherylbombshell: hey a beauty like me doesn't just wake up fabulous.
sent : 5:37am

tonitopaz: oh i bet you do. anyways have fun in your 2 hours, i'm going back to sleep. thanks for waking me, blossom.
sent : 5:38am

cherylblossom: you're welcome for my presence this morning, topaz.
sent : 5:40am


tonitopaz: i think biology will be the death of me.
sent : 2:07pm

cherylbombshell: if you're in class then GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION.
sent : 2:11pm

cherylbombshell: actually, why should you pay attention, you made it to school this time. what's up topaz?
sent : 2:12pm

tonitopaz: i'm horny.
sent : 2:12pm

cherylbombshell: what
sent : 2:12pm

tonitopaz: ahajhkhuhoehfsdkjeh
sent : 2:12pm

cherylbombshell: what x2
sent : 2:13pm

tonitopaz: omg sorry. sweet pea took my phone.
sent : 2:13pm

cherybombshell: yeah sure...
sent : 2:14pm

tonitopaz: oh yeah cause of course i was gonna say that to you
sent : 2:14pm

cherylbombshell: i wouldn't put it past you.
sent : 2:14pm

tonitopaz: well now i gtg, teacher's looking my way. ttyl princess ;)
sent : 2:15pm

cherylbombshell: talk to you later annoying.
sent : 2:15pm

cherylbombshell: and stop calling me princess omg.

(message failed to send to: tonitopaz at 2:15pm)


veronica-lodge: hey cher, concert on friday night, you in?
sent : 6:56pm

cherylbombshell: am i going to be third-wheeling you and your boytoy?
sent : 6:57pm

veronica-lodge: no he's helping daddy with some business, girls night only. betty and josie are coming. so what do you say?
sent : 6:57pm

cherybombshell: i'm in, see you in school to discuss the details.
sent : 6:58pm

veronica-lodge: can't wait.
sent : 7:00pm

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