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cherylbombshell: hello topaz
sent : 9:58am

tonitopaz: i swear i can't handle you waking up so early omg
sent : 10:03am

cherylbombshell: well get used to it because i'm cheryl blossom and i get things the way i want them, if i want to talk to you then i will gladly disturb your sleep.
sent : 10:04am

tonitopaz: also too early in the morning to be spoken too like this. pLEASE LET ME SLEEP
sent : 10:04am

cherylbombshell: huh you're lucky you're cute. just don't forget to come and escort me out of my house at 3, you may choose where we visit.
sent : 10:04am

tonitopaz: okokok you got it. see you later princessssssss
sent : 10:05am


Was Cheryl she slowly wishing that time would pass? Yes. Was she so ready to see her again that she watched out the window every 5 minutes? Yes. Was she in too deep to think that she could possibly get herself out of this? Yes. Cheryl was most definitely too deep within her feelings to even consider pushing Toni away, it wouldn't work. Cheryl also didn't want to, and like she's said, she gets what she wants and it just so happens that Toni is at the top of that list currently. It was 2:46pm, Cheryl had made 5 outfit changes and paced back and forth the foot of her bed too many times to count. Her mind raced with multiple different scenarios that could play out within the next few hours and Cheryl wasn't sure which she wanted to happen but no matter what they were going to be doing or where, Cheryl couldn't wait to be the person she is around Toni and she couldn't wait to feel the feelings she gets when in the other girl's presence.

Three knocks at the door.

That's all it took to silence Cheryl's thoughts. She grabbed a light jacket, checked her lipstick and grabbed her phone before making her way down the stairs. She reached the door and swung it open looking up and seeing the pink-haired girl. The leather clad serpent. Who rides a motorbike. And most certainly looks very attractive whilst doing so.

"Hey princess, sorry that I'm..." Toni checked the watch on her wrist then continued,

"...6 minutes early" Toni continued then looked up and smiled at Cheryl.

"Maybe next time you should not turn up at all" a voice behind Cheryl said with an almost humorous tone to it.

"Mother" Cheryl said with a blank expression followed with a roll of her eyes.

"Don't think you're going anywhere with this Southside disappointment and especially not on that contraption of a vehicle" Penelope said before taking a sip of her red wine.

"Oh please mother, go find a man to entertain as you seem to do it a lot these days. And don't think for a second that I will listen to anything that comes out of that wretched mouth of yours" Cheryl replied, not facing Penelope but still with her arm leaning on the door frame.

Toni was stood there unsure of whether to speak or just witness this encounter between the two. Before she thought too much about speaking up she was surprised to see Penelope lunge at her daughter and slam the door in Toni's face. Should she leave? Okay, no she definitely shouldn't leave. She waited a few minutes listening intently for any noise on the inside that could be showing danger. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket

cherylbombshell: there's a window on the left side of the house. 2nd from the corner
sent : 2:53pm

tonitopaz: you got it princess
sent : 2:53pm

Toni rounded the left corner of the house before taking a step back to look for the 2nd window across. Nothing was there, or yet anyways. She had an idea.

After a brief daily argument with her mother, that was this time very badly timed, Cheryl texted Toni and made her way to her bedroom. She burst through the door and locked it with the key that is always in the lock, so nobody can unlock it from the outside. She looked in the mirror again to check her make-up and then was about to start her mission out of the window when she heard,

tap tap tap tap

What on earth? Cheryl's first instinct was to look at the door, was her mother carving her way in? because it most certainly wasn't working.

tap tap

Oh, the window.

Cheryl made her way over and looked down. Toni stood there with a pile of pebbles in her arm, looking up at Cheryl with a bright smile.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair" Toni quietly yelled. She then noticed she still had a large pile of pebbles in her arm still and dropped them to the ground before bowing like prince charming.

"As lovely as that was, I would still love to leave. You're going to have to follow my orders, Topaz" Cheryl said before leaning on her window frame and then looking over at her garage.

Toni looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. "What's first?" she replied and then looked in the direction that Cheryl was looking.

"Just go over to the garage, use the crowbar by the flower pot to wedge the door open and grab the ladder. Then bring it over here and get me out of this tower princess charming" Cheryl said to Toni whilst trying to fight back a smile.

Cheryl very much enjoyed watching Toni follow her orders. Shortly after Toni was placing the ladder so that it was safe for Cheryl to get down.

"Alright, if you break a leg I was never here." Toni said whilst holding the ladder. Cheryl paused her movement to give Toni a questionable look.

"Oh my god I was totally kidding! Get your ass down here, although I am enjoying the view from down here princess" Toni lightly chuckled.

Cheryl reached the bottom of the ladder and brushed off Toni's shoulders with her hands. "Well done, Topaz. You freed me, now can we please get as far away from that monster of a mother as we can" Toni nodded.

They made their way over to Toni's motorbike, Cheryl was a little sceptical to say the least.

"You'll be safe don't worry, I wouldn't let anything happen to you" Toni reassured Cheryl, Toni then continued to hand Cheryl her helmet.

"Yes I know, it's fine. Let's just go" Toni hopped on the bike and Cheryl threw her leg over the back and was lightly holding onto Toni's waist.

"You're going to need to hold tighter than that princess" Toni laughed. Cheryl took a deep breath and barely got out a shaky "Okay".

They were ready to leave when the front door burst open with a lot of force, how hasn't that damn thing fallen off yet? Out came Penelope Blossom with a stern face that was now screaming "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom!"

Toni couldn't help but comment, "Ugh, she's a nightmare" topped off with an eye roll. Cheryl just stared at her mother blankly and replied to Toni with "Isn't she though".

Before Penelope could reach them however, Toni kicked up the bike stand and revved the engine before driving away with quite some speed. Cheryl was now most definitely holding on tight, for her life dare she say. Even though she was reluctant to hold on to start with, she's more than happy that she is now and there is only one thing going through her mind. She's holding onto her leather-clad Serpent, and it was driving her crazy.

to be continued...


okayyyy, so basically i have most of the date already written but just not published yet because i haven't had time to finish them for a couple reasons, if you're really curious it's because of exams and i'm currently having to go to the doctors a lot too, but hopefully things will start quieting down a bit so i can start writing more.
i also wanted to know that after the date would you prefer for cheryl and toni to go back to cheryl's house and have sex, or not because i've been getting messages from readers asking for both and i would love to just know haha. but anyways, thank you for reading and hopefully the continuation of this chapter will be out very soon!

p.s there's a certain reason that toni hits the window 4 times and then 2. work it out.

p.s.s thank you for 14k reads, i appreciate it!!

p.s.s.s okay i have nothing else to say i just found this funny

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