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Toni was on her motorbike on her way to Cheryl's house, much later than planned as Fangs needed help with shopping, and wow that boy is useless with packing bags. So, Toni made sure that Cheryl was aware that she would be coming over in the afternoon instead of the morning and she seemed to be okay with it.

Everything was okay, a little too okay if you asked Cheryl. She was always finding that something was getting in the way of her happiness, but since Toni's been around all the drama has seemed to evaporate. Cheryl was taken out of her thoughts when she heard a knock at the door, she skipped down the stairs and opened the door to no other than Toni Topaz wearing her favourite article of clothing - her Serpent jacket. Cheryl pulled the girl into her home and up the stairs, it was far too cold to be letting any of the heat out of her house.

"Hey to you too princess" Toni said whilst looking up at Cheryl who was skipping up the stairs.

"Sorry it's just too cold and I really want to get back to bed, well, this time I've got a pretty girl getting in the bed with me" Cheryl said with a smile.

They continued into Cheryl's room before cuddling up underneath the duvets, with the rain and cold there is no place they would rather be than in each other's arms. It was hard to believe that this pair hadn't met before because they could have been doing this a long time ago otherwise. They had decided to watch a movie, and it was only halfway through the little mermaid when they heard a loud knock at the door which echoed throughout the entire house.

"That was fast, talk about speedy delivery" Toni turned to Cheryl.

"Yeah its' never quite been that fast before..." Cheryl looked at Toni, puzzled.

Cheryl begrudgingly took herself from under the covers and skipped down the stairs. She swung the door open and was shocked at what she saw.

That's definitely not the pizza delivery man.

A few minutes had passed and then Toni let herself wander downstairs, following where Cheryl had gone. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she was confused at the sight in front of her.

"Hey cher, who's this?" Toni walked behind her and put her arm around her waist.

Stood at the door was a teenager around their age, dressed in all black, dark hair, and prominent muscles, who is this?

Toni instantly felt a bad vibe from the boy. She pulled Cheryl, who had still not said a word, back and stood in front of her and directly across from the mystery boy.

"Unless you are here to deliver my damn hawaiian pizza, then please leave and never knock at this door again" she stared right at him.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I don't know who you are nor do I care. I'm not here for you." his smooth voice broke the silence. It is now that Toni will admit she did not have a good feeling about where this was going, and she may have felt slightly threatened by whoever this is at the door.

"I came to give my condolences, to little red over there. Sorry I'm late but I thought you'd rather see me saying something than nothing. This was his." he then continued to reach into his pocket and pull out a ring, Nana Rose's ring to be exact.

This was the first time that Cheryl moved since opening the door, she confidently strode towards him and took the ring out of his hand steadily, being ever so careful. She inspected the ring and then looked up at him,

"Thank you, Reggie" she then looked him in the eyes and as if it were some type of telepathy, he knew what she meant and he nodded with a small smile, and left. Cheryl then sighed and closed the door, the ring being left on the drawer next to the fireplace. And as for Toni, she stood there awfully confused at the interaction that had just happened before her, she watched Cheryl's every move waiting for an explanation, anything really.

"Can we not talk about it for a while, I promise I'll explain everything. Just not right now" Cheryl said whilst fiddling with her fingernails. She looked scared to tell Toni whatever it is that had happened in the past.

"Yeah sure, don't worry about it princess. We've got all the time in the world" Toni smiled at her reassuringly, she didn't want Cheryl to feel uncomfortable around her because of something that had happened in the past.

Toni then thought that it was the right moment to hug Cheryl in order to make her feel comfortable. She wanted her to think that whatever this is that had happened was going to be okay, but could she really make it better? Toni pulled back and they looked at each other right before there was another loud knock at the door, they both smiled at each other and said,


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