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she was reluctant to hold on to start with, she's more than happy that she is now and there is only one thing going through her mind. she's holding onto her leather-clad serpent, and it was driving her crazy.
to be continued...


Cheryl was holding on for her dear life, Toni had most definitely forgot that such thing as a speed limit exists. Toni raced through the streets, heading where Cheryl wasn't aware of yet and taking a route that didn't help her with figuring out the location herself. Toni started to slow down as they were headed to a red light, once the bike made it to a stop Cheryl heard Toni shout loud enough for her to hear
"You should try screaming and throwing your arms up in the air, y'know like in the movies" Toni followed with a light laugh
"Have you not felt me holding on for my life for the past few moments?" Cheryl returned by shouting just as loud.
"You'll be fine, plus I wanna hear you scream" Toni let out a small chuckle.

The light turned green and Toni revved the engine and sped off down the street. Cheryl was feeling very anxious but wanted to follow through with Toni's advice, she did think that it could be fun. Cheryl decided to raise one arm instead of two, because she was still slightly scared of the vehicle, and threw it up in the air. She followed her action through with a loud cheer that echoed through the, surprisingly empty, streets of Riverdale. Toni continued to race through the streets but now with a bright smile after hearing that Cheryl had done what she had told her to. Toni was impressed that the girl had taken any arms away from her as she's been noticing the looks Cheryl had been giving her since she turned up at her door at the start of the afternoon.

They arrived at their destination, the drive-in, and after pulling into a space Toni turned to Cheryl and said,

"I'll be two seconds you just stand there and look pretty" she smiled.

Toni then disappeared for a few moments as Cheryl decided to take in her surroundings, she had not visited the drive-in very much as she didn't really want to be seen there alone. Although she had been here once with Veronica and Kevin, back when she had a not so secret crush on Veronica. She remembers it very clearly, trying to get Kevin away whenever she had the chance. She also remembers the Serpents who used to hang out at the back of the drive-in and make quite the bit of noise, Cheryl thinks back and fails to remember seeing the pink-haired Serpent with them though. Cheryl is now taken out of her thoughts as the previously mentioned Serpent is stood in front of her with a plaid blanket and what seems to be a picnic basket, Cheryl can't help but let out a smile. Toni sets down the blanket in front of her motorbike and places the basket at the front of the blanket, Toni then continues to sit on the blanket and pat the space next to her for the red haired girl to join her.

"Where did you possibly keep all of this hidden, Topaz?" Cheryl sat comfortably next to her.

"Jug works here and I aksed him if I could keep some stuff ready in the film room" she replied.

"That's sweet of you to do this for me" Cheryl turned her body to the smaller girl and made an effort to keep the eye contact.

"I mean when Kevin Keller sets you up on a date, you've definitely got to make it a good one" Toni continued to admire the colour of Cheryl's eyes, she licked her lips.

Toni saw as Cheryl's eyes flickered down to her lips to witness the action before quickly returning back to her eyes. Should she make the first move? Wait no, she hasn't been there long with her. They both turned as the movie next to them started. Cheryl thought for a few moments and then decided to scoot over to Toni and lay her head on her shoulder. Cheryl then continued to lean over Toni whilst keeping eye contact with her, she saw Toni gulp and could feel her breathing become quicker. Cheryl then grabbed a strawberry from the basket and took a bite into it before laying her head back onto Toni's shoulder.

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